Show NO IMPROVEMENT I i I 1 I b h bur bur-a t J. J The bears showed no signs of loosenIng loosening loosening loosen loosen- ing their hold upon the market and afew a n afew few of the favorites were dragged further down this morning AJax suffered the loss of a couple of points with shares selling between between be between tween 32 and 33 Carisa was war traded in at fractions above and below 40 and l Day sold at 43 West Daly-West broi as high as 2825 while Uncle Sam was battered down to 50 California Cali Call fornia was active at fractions between 34 and 35 shares were sold while Yankee went over the board at I to The total sales on regular call and open board amounted to shares selling for as follows Ajax J 41 Bullion Beck io iti Boss Tweed 40 Black Jack 16 Burton 10 io Ben Butler 1214 Carisa Carisa 39 40 g Century 10 fi California l 31 Ii 31 Creole Congor t 10 20 Con Mercur is J lW iiO Day Daly g West Daly-West I Iw w st J 20 2 2830 i Dalton Lark 1 01 Dalton gallon oi 01 oi 01 OHi Dexter 15 45 Eagle Blue Bell I 50 Galena f a I e. e oi 01 g ln 10 Grand Central Golden Eagle 02 04 M Golconda J t. t 09 Horn Silver Ingot 03 05 Joe Bowers o 04 Ot 01 oi t Little Chie 10 10 15 Lower Mammoth 53 58 62 La Reine I i. i 15 Mammoth 1142 f Manhattan oi 01 s 01 May Day 52 53 ss I Martha l Washington O Ii 07 Northern Light OlVi 03 OJ Ontario 6 O Petro 06 ot 10 Sacramento 19 1914 21 Swansea 1 South 6 Swansea n 24 12 Sunbeam 40 Sunshine 22 n 23 Silver King Star Consolidated 1 26 4 27 Shower Consolidated 20 Silver Shield 07 08 OS 12 iz Tesora L r io Yankee 2 Uncle Sam p 60 50 Victor 44 44 45 West rest Morning Glory 03 03 MORNING SALES AJax 1000 at ISo at 2500 at 00 at at Carisa M a. a 1000 at 2800 at 40 C at 90 40 at 9 2700 g a at 9 at at 1000 at 39 c. c West DalY-West at 2825 2823 25 at 2820 May Day at 53 c at Mc Sacramento at Silver Shield 2000 2010 at Sunshine at Uncle Sam at at at 51 Kc c at c 52 1500 at at 51 c at at at 50 c. c f t Ben Butler 1000 at k 5 at at Mc at Boss Tweed at f r California 1100 at at ISo 1000 at 34 c at 34 at Dalton 1000 at IVic lc Manhattan 1000 at lc Victor r at 44 c 1800 at ol i West Morning l nt Glory I r 1000 at Yankee at at at at at 2232 OPEN BOARD I Ajax at 50 West Daly-West at 2350 2850 Ben Butler at at Mc ice ICO Century at 2 2000 at Martha Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington at 6 c Yankee at 2 23 Total sales regular call shares selling value 25 Onen Open board shares selling value 2403 |