Show BRITONS IN A ROW War Department nt Put Under Under Under Un Un- der Fire in House of Co Commons by Maj Lee LONDON Feb FeU In 4 4 In the House of f Commons last evening Maj l Arthur ArthurLee Arthur ArthurLee ArthurLee Lee Conservative formerly British with the United States army during the Spanish-American Spanish war and ad later British military att che at Washington Washington Washington Wash Wash- Wash Wash- ington said Great Britain had been the services of the chief horse expert of the United States army as adviser In the purchase of American horses for the British army The revelation was made during a heated debate on the remount question ques ques- tion when Maj Lee said The accredited representative of the War office Col the at Vienna was given give no opportunity of showing what knowledge he possessed of the resources of the country In Inthe Inthe Inthe the same way I being military at at- tache tahe at Washington was not In Informed Informed Informed In- In formed that there was any intention of buying horses horse in the United States I learned from the American Americ newspapers pers that British officers had been sent st to buy horses hors but I was not informed who they were nor was I asked aked to give them such assistance as my position tion ton implied I was competent to give At the time tim I had hd the opportunity through the good will wi of a a high official of getting the te services of the chief horse horse expert of the United States army as adviser I cabled the suggestion to the War Var office but I received no re reply re- re ply The whole debate on this th question in inthe inthe inthe the House Hous of Commons Common causes cuss widespread widespread widespread wide wide- spread indignation which is as a evident among the strongest supporters of the Government as among the members of the opposition The Ministerial press vigorously charges the War office with absolute Incompetency if nothing worse and demands a searching Inquiry in inquiry inquiry In- In hinting at the possibility that the mo more important departments of the War Wa office make no io c more creditable showing than tn the remount department The Globe suggests that the War Mr 11 lck ascertain the identity of the officials responsible for tor pigeon fooling and not acknowledging Maj Ma Lees Lee's and Co Col recommendation reo for the purpose of sumI summarily sum sum- I manly marily and ignominiously dismissing them |