Show Boston Metal Market Quiet Boston Mass lass Feb 4 The The break In Inthe inthe the metal abroad and the reaction Inthe in inthe inthe the domestic market made a a. good many traders change their position Amalgamated was the weakest feature faa fea fe- fe ture being sold by New York This selling Is credited to the same people who started stated the upward movement from around 60 The list outside of Amalgamated held very well displayIng displayIng displaying display- display Ing a firm fir undertone The next di dividend dU on Amalgamated was sold sald at per cent The metal market closed dull and somewhat weaker Copper Copper Cop Cop- per per ncr was cent lower for all grades graes In th the tha offering price Hornblower Weeks brokers brokl 53 State street Boston Boston Boston Bos Bos- ton and ant 10 Vall Wall street New York furnish the following quotations Sales High Low Close Close Amal p Aal Cop 1702 Bingham 2450 2150 2400 2403 2403 West Daly-West e 65 2550 gf Utah t 2005 2500 2300 g 2450 2475 X United States 2374 1750 1700 1712 Mercur 16 Mohawk 1237 35 Curb Curb Boston Boston |