Show BRITISH ALARMED OVER SUBSIDY BILL They Believe It Will Deal a n. Severe Blow low to English Shipping NEW YORK Feb 5 British British ship ship- owners have been watching with great interest the efforts of the United States to f foster ster the growth of ot the merchant marine sa says s a a London dispatch to the I Herald Particularly has their attention attention atten atten- I tion been devoted to the progress of the subsidy bill in itt Congress It Is not too much to say that they they believe if it this bill becomes a law it will deal a severe blow to British ship ship- ping On Oa Wednesday the chambers of ot shipping shipping ship- ship ping pint of the United Kingdom sometimes described as the Ship Owners' Parliament Parliament Parlia Parlia- ment merit merit- will meet asset Col M. M P. P probably will vill be re-elected re president One of the chief subjects for discussion discussion discus discus- sion slon will be the outcome of the possible possible ble passage of ot the American subsidy bill |