Show OUR TREAT TREATMENT ENT OF CUBA From Fron the New York W World The conditions imposed upon Cuba by bf bythe the Platt Patt Platt amendment dment make the United I States practically the tho suzerain of ot that that Island Without power to enter Into treaties treaties treaties trea trea- ties or oro io to Borrow orrow money oney except by Icon Icon- consent sent pt of this country and with the right of ot the United States t to intervene In her affairs and nd to build naval and coaling stations stations stations sta sta- sta- sta on her coast the Independence dithe of di t the republic pseudo will be merely nomInal nominal nominal nom nom- inal at best The refusal of Congress ss foreshadowed by the attitude of the Ways and Means leans committee to make any abatement of ot the tariff tat restrictions which prevent Cuba from selling her products in her only market renders our suzerainty an oppression It means stagnation and starvation In the Island Truly may her people say You Y You take take our life when you do take the means whereby we live |