Show S GUiE GUIDE I la DYING The Trapper Who Who Who- D fended Presidents President's Presidents President's Presidents President's dents dent's R Reputation as Sportsman I The pathO pathfinder der of Yellow Yelo stone stonepark stonepark park Uncle George Gerge flea Rea Re who mapped out ut the trails over which President Roosevelt Roosevel and his gides guides have hunted big jig game for or years past is dying in a lonely onely cabin on the Snake river Word ord has just been received d' d dby by A. A S. S Trude for or whom Rea flea has acted as glde guide for forthe forthe the he last ten years in the Snake river ri country that the veteran trapper as as found dying of starvation an and neglect in n the primitive co country country- hith Ih he opened up for or r I ij 1 0 00 Cr C CRea l Rea flea probably is the known guide gide In the Yellowstone Rea flea peak peak one of ot the tallest m mountains on the boundary line lne between betwEEn Montana and Idaho bears his name and his Is linked annals history with the early of the Jackson Hole and Snake river countr country With him disappears the title tte of the last of the Idaho Mohicans During the years that Theodore Roosevelt Roosevel has hunted In the Snake river country Rea Rca has thas been ben one of his admirers and it i t was wa largely through the efforts of the old guide that stories of ot the acts ats of the President were vere t tracked a ked to U their source among disgruntled guides of that region and anti refuted When the report was spread that President Roosevelt had shot a bear that was caught fast Ina in ina ina a trap Rea flea with the aid of ot 11 Mr Mi Trude investigated the story and found it the malicious fabrication of a discharged helper in Roosevelt's hunting party s of Idaho declare Rea flea did dd a service to northern Idaho similar to that of Daniel Boone in Kentucky He I is the sole survivor of the old group of trappers who acted as scouts under Gen Howard in his famous expedition against the Blackfoot and Bannock Indians In Indians In- In who took refuge in th the pass George Rea flea has been engaged in In Indian warfare so 0 long that it is declared declared de de- de- de dared there Is scarcely an inch of his hla body that that has been untouched by arro arrow ar ar- ar- ar row rotc ro bullet bulet or knife knie When news reached Mr True of the of-the the condition of ot his I old guide was immediately sent although physicians said he be had no chance of living more than a few days George Gerge Rea flea was one of ot the most in interesting interesting in- in characters who ever spent a alfe alife alife life In a Wild Wid countr country said 11 Mr Trude yesterday A A story of his experiences w would uld throw down the gauntlet to imagination im Im- im- im and come out the victor He rendered greet greit grel aid to Gen Howard and to Gen Gen Sheridan during Indian troubles After Ater the death of Beaver Dick some sometime sometime sometime time ago the title of pioneer guide inthe inthe in inthe the Yellowstone country fell to ReaThe flea Rea Re ReThe The eagerness of the old pathfinder in running to earth the stories slurring President Roosevelt's character as a sportsman proved his great admiration for the man who Is admired by every trapper and gid guide in that country The story which was scattered broadcast of ofa ofa ofa a supposed action acton of President Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt was deplored by Rea flea and nd by me at atthe atthe atthe the time because it I seemed to have come from a helper In our 1 0 party After fter 50 50 had been offered by me to toj j the guides i if I Was as given an opportunity I to kill ki a bear we ve ca came canie e upon a trapped bear on Porcupine creek When I refused re cc- r- r fused to shoot it a guide claimed the prize offered and nd said that Mr Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt veit had shot shet a trapped bear and that I 1 ought not demur The story came out considerably exaggerated and statements statements statements state state- ments were attributed to me which I had n never ver made Mr Roosevelt Roosevel has always been regarded regarded regarded re re- re- re by me as a true sportsman and anda a fearless and successful hunter and I Iwas I Iwas Iwas was pleased when research made by Rea flea and myself showed the stories derogatory derogatory derogatory de de- de- de rogatory to his standing as a sportsman 2 entirely false At the Kansas City Democratic conI convention convention con con- I vent n in 1900 when this feature of Mr 11 Roosevelt's career as a hunter came carne up I denied the story in the presence of I several delegates among whom were ere Roger Sullivan Sulvan John Powers and Sanator Senator Senator Sen San ator OBrien O'Brien and stated that Mr Roosevelt Roose el had set a splendid example to all al hunters In restraining hi his guides and helpers helpers' from killing more than a reasonable reasonable rea rca amou amount t. t of game Chicago Chicago Tribune TrIbunE f |