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Show 4 : ! I I Wild Heaves and Such j I 4 ! f i I The best hitters: ! AB. H. TB. P.C. ! Doane, Vernon 2 2 .667 i Fiizg'erald, San Francisco 2 1 1 .500 1 j The series stand: Vernon won 2. Salt Lake won 2. I Portland won 1, Los Angeles won 0. ; (Three postponed-; j San Francisco won 2, Oakland won 2. I Special to The Tribune. LOS ANGELES. Sept. 14. Huh (Period) McGinnls. shorstop of the Vernon Ver-non club, was notified today to report at San Francisco Monday for military examination. ex-amination. McGinnis left for San Francisco Fran-cisco tonight. To pitch a two-hit game and then be beaten out wifh scratches is what we call hard luck. Perhaps not in an age I would any club get away with three sue- cessive Infield hits, as the Tigers did in the ninth inning yesterday. I , Of course, the Seals had to go and win, too. McCredie's ball players cannot complain about being overworked, anyhow. The Beavers have played one game in five davs. Word from Los Angeles is that, upon learning that Earl Pheely would fejoin the Saints at San Francisco next week. Skipper Bernhard wired Charley Frank of the Atlanta, Southern association, club that First Baseman Munch was not now needed. Bernhard had a deal on foot whereby Munch would be loaned to the j Saints for the remainder of the season. Grover Loudermllk, who enjoys the distinction dis-tinction of having quit the Portland team last fall when he had an ironclad contract, con-tract, has got over his wildness. which caused him to quit in disgust last year, louder mi Ik dropped about $700 of easy money by jumping the Beavers last year. He couldn't get she ball over the plate. His work has been so good with the Columbus. Co-lumbus. Ohio, American association club that the St. Louis Browns are going to give him another trial. The Seals were mighty lucky to pick up a catcher like Bill Stevens while Baker and Mr-Kee are on the injured list. R!g Bill has been out of service since the Northwestern league blew up, so he is not in shape to catch his best ball, but .ie will round Into condition rapidly, and j he will begin to rap the ball hard, like he did In the other leagues. He is another an-other Truck Hannah for work and because be-cause of his pepper he Is a good man to have around. San Francisco Chronicle. |