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Show DECLARES HUSBAND TIED HER TO CHAIR Wife Charges Subsequent Injuries Which Necessitated Operation; Sues for Divorce. ! Alk'siiig that her husband stripped! her of clotlics upon one oocasiou and I bound her, Prometheus-like, to a chair, then i-hoked her and defied her to eall ' for help, Mrs. Myvounetto Sanders filed suit yesterday in the Third district court for a divorce from Howard Bran-nnn Bran-nnn iSan.-lers on the ground of cruelty. Mrs. Sanders further alleges that upon up-on releasing her from the chair to which she had been pilloried her husband threw her on a bed and endeavored to smother her with bedclothes. She charges, in tlio complaint, that he knelt uiion her abdomen with such force that she was injured internally to an extent that made a surgical operation necessary. neces-sary. 'flie plaintiff nsks for custodv of their minor child and $40 monthly alimony. ali-mony. Yesterday's featureless divorce matinee mati-nee in the Third district court was productive pro-ductive of but two decrees. Both were to husbands. Joseph D. Mercer was I given an interlocutory divorce from Souhia ('. Mercer and David II. Gus-taveson Gus-taveson from Helen Gustaveson. |