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Show mm 01 11 TAX BILL IH SIGHT Principal Disputes of Conferees Con-ferees Narrowed Down to War Profits and Postage Post-age Sections. CHAIRMAN KITCHIN IMPOSES SECRECY Results of First Meeting Leak Out and It Is Known That Measure Will Soon Be Passed. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 4. Agreement upon about one-half of the revenue levins In the $2, 000, 000 war lax bill was reached toda y by t he senate and house confere.es in their first day's work. Such rapid progress was made that the principal prin-cipal disputes wore narrowed to t bo war piofits and postage sections, foreshadowing foreshadow-ing a com pie to agreement early next wee'i. While conclusions of the conferees are officii! lly said to be tentative there Is little, probability of further change in the Feet Ions passed over. The committee's pensions arc secret, at the request of Heprcsentative KitcMn, but it is reliably stated that the results of the first meet-iuK meet-iuK Included : . Adoption of the Income tax, normal and surtax rates virtually as revised by the spun te and designed to raise ?Si2,-200. ?Si2,-200. in H) add It inn:' I revenue. Klinilnntlon pf the house provision levying levy-ing a onr-thini Increase on 1 1 1 6 taxes, a retroactive asesmenl from which $10S(-PcO.i'OO $10S(-PcO.i'OO m revenue was to bo raised. Partial Approval. Partial approval of the tobacco section s.s revised downward bv the senate, to raise. ?56,C0O,O0O as against $6S.2oo,OUO pioposerl by the house. Adoption of the tiuox lea tins" beverage section virtually as revised upward by the senate, to raise S-OT.OOO.OOO ya coin-pared coin-pared with 5151,000,000 proposed by the liouso. Approval of practically all senate changes in the sertion taxing public utilities, utili-ties, including the :j per cent levy on freight transportation, the assessment on passenger transportation reduced from $Tf., 000,000 to Jo7.0u0.000; the- taxes on Pullman accommodations, pipe line transportation trans-portation and telegraph and telephone messages costing over l." cents. The house conferees also agreed to the elimination of their provisions for levy- ing ?30,0O0,u00 on el-tric light, gas and kH-;il trkphon'1 Hrvi.T- mid .",,00'V)'iO is-iitiance is-iitiance of insurance polirk-s. Th1 war profits section was passed over today and will probably be the lust sot-tlrd. sot-tlrd. Some members predict an increase in its total revenue provisions of at Uast $0h,n00,0o and adoption of a compromise i-,(lrii;mon plan being framed by the house member:'. When the conferees reesd tonight thr-v had readied the manufacturing tax m-'Htion of the bill and planned to'beu'in w:th the automobile clause tomorrow. The liouso conferees were said to be disposed dis-posed to generally accede, to senate elimination elim-ination of their plan of levying a 5-cent tax on certain manufactures, but favor a slight Increase in the motor vehicle license li-cense rates substituted by the senate. In virtually conc luding the income ta x rates the conferees specifically wrote Into the bill the proposed doubling of the present pres-ent 2 per cent normal tax and the provision pro-vision for reduction of exemptions from 30nn a nd $n"o, respectively, fnr single and married persons, to $1000 and $0o0. Slight Adjustment. The surtax rates on incomes above $20.-ooo $20.-ooo were said to have been adjusted slightly, but no changes were made in the section causing any appreciable difference dif-ference In the increased revenue yield. In the preliminary and general discussion discus-sion today of the main disputes involved the postage tax features were given special spe-cial attention. Some of frhe house members mem-bers want to restore, In part at least, the prnpospd fax on first class mail and . to make an increase In second class rates. There was also discussion of eliminating postage features including the stamp tax on packages sent by parcel post. Tomorrow tue conferees expect to dispose dis-pose of many items not in dispute and formally approve senate elimination of the house 10 per cent general ad valorem tariff increase, which was designed to raise $200,000,000. |