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Show Elysium Club Has Mrs. Johnson As Guest Speaker Mrs. Beverly Christeson readied read-ied her home in lovely seasonal style on Wednesday evening with nature's colorful leaves and early ear-ly autumn flowers, when she welcomed Elysium club members. President Mary Lou Gardiner presided. pre-sided. Alta May Wood inti'oduced the guest speaker. Mrs. Lyean Johnson, John-son, who' gave the members present pres-ent a fine discourse on the duties du-ties and obligations of the club as members of the National Federation. Fed-eration. Mrs. Johns .n is a lifetime life-time honorary .meauber of the National Federation of Women's Clubs nnd was the first president of the Cadmus Club.' She stressed purposes of the Federation as educational, industrial, indus-trial, .philanthropical, artistical, literary, scientific, with an overall over-all purpose of bringing into communication com-munication various women's clubs throughout the world. Following the very informative discussion, a prettily served tray luncheon was enjoyed. Present besides the guest speaker and the hostess were Mary Lou Gardiner, Pearl Gour-ley, Gour-ley, LaVon Ingersoll, JoAnn Brady, Bra-dy, Marie Whiteley, Jeanne Walker, Walk-er, Pauline Olpin, Madge Peterson, Peter-son, Beulah Whiting, Bliss Brim-ley, Brim-ley, Alta Mae Wood, Marilyn Hreinson, Karyl Halliday. |