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Show j2 Continuous ' Snap-A-Port Forms : Forms C 1 Register "--- ' ) Forms v4 -v. ' Books Guest "i Checks 1 We con furnish almost any business form that you need. PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW 335 Main Rt Ph. S U 5-266 1 We have a lovely New 3-Bedroom Brick Full Basement 1-34 Baths in Beautiful Battle Creek Heights area. Starting Construction on another New 3-Bedroom Brick Call at office and see the plans FHA financed. We have 2 Large Lots South front on 5th South in Pleasant Grove. Nice Older Homes For Low Down Payments For the G.. 2-Bedroom Brick Northwest Location. To The Busy Housewife . . , YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER j3 '- J IS A REAL CONVENIENCE! : 1. 1 . rA "I A wonderful way for a busy young mother to , " j save countless hours is by shopping the ads in , 1 ' f her hometown newspaper By knowing, before -fi.iJ 7 she goes to town, which products she wants and j-f i f , $t where to buy them,-she can do an efficient job of ""'SyV 'nL--" &f marketing. While the housewife spends her time ' V sN- s2$ becoming an expert nurse, laundress, cook, play- t y ' J'y I "Jf-L mate, and bookkeeper, the local newspaper is t ' "y'J bringing her the shopping news. It tells her S i " XV-t about the latest products and services that will - ' t Jk " '' help her accomplish her work most efficiently. It ! J ''-r- A V tells her where to find the best prices offered on ' s' ! ' '? items she needs. It saves her many long hours of -: : A "-rV -xi I J J I ' "shopping around". W " I j "4 J SHOP THE ADS IN YOUR ; VA v--H-j y HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER! 1 x I ! lit&ii- PRESS ASSOCIATION " " ' ,4 wist bway " ""i |