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Show 7th Ward Relief Society Officers Have Social Wed. The home of Mrs. Delilah By-lund By-lund was the scene of a pleasant pleas-ant and wellplanned party on Wednesday evening when the executive ex-ecutive officers of the Seventh Ward Relief Society entertained the class leaders and visiting teachers. The ward bishopric were also present and set apart four new workers, after which Bishop Adams Ad-ams gave a very faith-promoting talk to the ladies present. Set apart to new positions were Merle Tomlinson, magazine representative, rep-resentative, Shirley Stone, chorister; chor-ister; Genevieve Emal, social science sci-ence leader and Esther Nielson work director. After business was over tht ladies enjoyed games and refreshments. refresh-ments. Officers arranging the verj nice affair were Beth Stott, president; pres-ident; Geneva Gibson and Vir ginia Nehring, counselors and De lilah Bylund, secretary. |