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Show --..!.. .... . ' , '-lit .-,'.:'.;,.,. i I .i'tZ ", , ' ... ; s .:, .M - AMI ?" . ' i - -s, - - ' V ' - . - ' X , . 1 J I . - WINNERS Mike Ferre, Richard Draper and Lenn Anderson, were winners in national judg- IbA.WW. m itA-Jlt lift j& mg of Dairy products. The boys won the right to the national competition at Logan last year. PGHS Judging Team Wins Top Award at National Dairy Congress at Waterloo, Iowa The boys went to Waterloo by automobile in company with Mr. and Mrs. Glade Hilton. The party left Waterloo Wednesday morning morn-ing and will arrive home next Monday or Tuesday. Enroute home they will visit Nauvoo, Illinois, Ill-inois, Chioag'o, St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver. Word has been received by Willis Banks, FFA instructor at Pleasant Grove High School that the local chapter's Dairy Products Pro-ducts team won the top Gold Award,' Monday at National Dairy Congress at Waterloo, Iowa. Io-wa. Members of the team are Mike Ferre, Richard Draper and Lenn Anderson. The three boys qualified for the national contest by taking first place at the USU Agathon Days competition held in Logan last May 8. Judging dairy products prod-ucts includes the evaluation of milk cans, milk and sediment, according ac-cording to U.S. Department of Agriculture standards. In addition to the top award, which was won in competition with championship teams from the 48 states, Lenn and Richard received gold emblems and-,Mike received a bronze emblem for outstanding out-standing judging. |