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Show AT LAST... Utah County has an authentic Mexican Restaurant E'L MARIACHI The Finest- in Mexican Food 3rd South Seventh East Provo, Utah OPEN 5 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS TULIP a im time Beautify your Home . . . PLANT TULIPS NOW FOR SPRING BLOOMING Special Reg. $7.20 89 doz- Flowers for Every Occasion THE ORCHID SMOP Highway 97 Lindon Ph. SU 5-3257 Bring Us Your Printing Problems PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW ! - - 0 -I - . V ! , 1 " S t - v j It takes US, men h Doril Rvpp .Taytofivilli, UitH 173 PR Ft3 n HnH h a t t''-. Doral Rupp, successful Taylorsville, Utah, farmer t'v- S finds fall fertilization with USS Nitr vn Fertilizer is a V '-y profitable and convenient practice. ' s "Fall fertilization helps us get the job done before ,ft."tV '" the spring rush. Proper fertilization increases our yields." f, "tV Mr. Rupp, who farms with his son DeeLoy, said his 5 . ...... ..fittt farm was below standard a few years ago. "We used fer- tilizer and have increased our yields every year. We get :t m VTt'1' 20 tons of corn, 75 bushels of wheat and more than 23 . t'.. tons of sugar lieets per acre. These results couldn't be ' V: fi'JSi? achieved without USS Nitrogen Fertilizers." Mr. Rupp j. .- --uses both USS Ammonium Nitrate and USS Anhydrous JfS- Ammonia, as well as phosphate and whatever manure is ' V. k vftKtt available. "J like the increased profits that fertilizer can V; ' ' ,vfrff" bring, and I like to get the fertilizing job done in the fall. fi"r-'':;:'t H It pays in the long run," Mr. Rupp says, .ly . r""-" ' " You can increase your yields by fertilizing this ff " f? ; fall with USS Nitrogen Fertilizers. Buy from your f. ' local dealer todav. For information, write to United I ,'"i" Slates Steel, 919 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City ..... 1, Utah. pg Nitrogen Fertilizers GROVE SCEIIA THEATRE THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 2, 3, and 4 October 2, 3, and 4 jfJv&Sl, PARAMOUNT PRESENTS ""7 ' .... j rJpfe SftMlT-BERGMAN " ISfe'&ii iriSISCBEET .HALWALLIS lECHmosvMBBROUssf I - Matinee Sat., 3 p.m. Z ', Monday, Tuesday, end Wednesday Monday, Tuesday and 0ctober ?( Qnd g Wednesday October 6, 7, and 8 p.,OTOU mgm .... irFHTl , ALBERT ZUGSMITHmm.c.,1. iLUJ&Zi&J 1 "IIJJTIll-U LOADED WITH flT ml 1 I' 1 Pill 111 ' LOADED WITH fJnJJiilL15' TECHNICOLOR BUSS TAMBLYn"" JAN STERLING 1 EjlSVd JOHN DREW BARRYMORE WW- ' PLUS VH REGNLD CC'.VE Ui KAWvELL- GARDINER BACCALONI - STB'ENS immm$ w. lAOIAUS WINTER HOURS Ufe)nXTFO!lUFE I T'-'vr53l21 Open 6:30 p.m. UiAX- ..TARZAN f Show Starts 7-00 p.m. SEE lOBf.9 v j;:...-r - - r, a, t:'.4 i bit 10 lb! m with All the Wonders You've Waited for! Paul Harmon Co. BUICK PONTIAC INTERNATIONAL TRUCK DEALER Am. Fork Phone 555 |