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Show LOANS O AUTO O FURNITURE O SIGNATURE Geneva Finance American Fork, Utah VOTE FOR CLARENCE L. OLSEN i Republican Ccndidate ' "X " for H UTAH COUNTY I ASSESSOR . ' Life-long resident of frk . : :'-iffv. i- Utah County j ' y Experienced in Assess- !i ',L:f' ''-- .f"r men t work. ? sVM '' .:.,,., Appointed Assessor S March 4, 1958. V'"" i " Elected Nov. 2, 1954 -f- Is' '-! V3 I :' I Program of Equitable V, V Assessment of All ' Property. ' Vti ' ; . Courteous & Efficient L-i i-i i mi. . -t,A ...m.. -t,1 Public Service. Member of National Association of Assessing Officers (Pd. Pol. Adv. by Olsen for Assessor Committee) Give Plenty of GOOD RICH MILK to your SCHOOL CHILDREN ADAMS DAIRY Phone SU 5-2981 Pleasant Grove Meets Every Home Demand STAR FLOUR MILLS AMERICAN FORK, UTAH FOR SALE Weaner Pigs at 230 East State Road, Pleasant Grove, Phone SU 5-3776. FOR SALE One Palomina Mare well-broke. Call Pobert Mon-son, Mon-son, SU 5-2775. Oc9 FOR RENT APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, 2-bedroom, attached garage, stove and refrigerator, Ph. AC 5-2182, Orem. tf WANTED Ride to BYU by 11 a.m. Call SU 5-2257 after 2 p.m. Oc2 USED Washer and Dryer, Refrigerator, Refrig-erator, 2 Sofas, Dining Table and Chairs, miscellaneous furniture, furni-ture, Ph. 845, Am. Fork. Oc2 WEANER PIGS for sale, phone SU 5-2716. Oc2 FOR RENT 4-room Apt. unf urn. 235 So. Main. Oc2 WE BUY, SELL, TRADE or Transfer Livestock, Also Bull Service. Peg Taylor, Phone SU 5-2271. PI. Grove. tf APARTMENT 3-room, unfurnished, unfurn-ished, couple preferred, no children, chil-dren, 307 East 1st So. SU 5-3527. tf SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Don't take chances, call a licensed li-censed cleaner. A-l Septic Tank Co. Ph. AC 5-2801 or FR 3-4295. tf APARTMENTS Furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rates, Call 90 E. Center, Ph. SU 5-3101 or SU 5-3591. tf FOR RENT Newly decorated, partly furnished 3-room apt., Call SU 5-2914 or see at 60 West Center, P.G. tf TAKE OVER Payments two manual organ No. 51413 save $400.00. Box 148 Sugar House Station. Ocl6 PIANO LESSONS Beginners or advanced. Margene Page, 860 So. 10 East, or phone SU 5-3182 after 4 p.m. Ocl6 HUNTING DOGS Pups & 2-year 2-year olds. Phone 099J1 Am. Fork. Ocl6 NO foreign substance remains in a rug cleaned with Blue Lustre. Stays clean longer. Ben Franklin Store. Oc2 'wondering how to do it? . . . do it with DOLLARS I it 58 Do al ,ll0se tninss ClOtning 0 you'd Lke to do with nJV nlrl h! lie dollars from us. Pay UIQ DIMS Money for every worthy buy newer car O pu,rpose on f nature w" only, car or furniture. home repairs U $25 fo $2000 new furniture g . wiy TSTff xsmv AMERICAN FORK 15 Easi Main Street D. C. Brandt, Manager Phone: 860 2-HORSE TRAILER for Sale 518 West Center. Oc2 MARY'S COLLEGE of BEAUTY 560 West Main, Am. Fork, Ph. 137. Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Soft lustrous Permanent Wave, including styling, styl-ing, $3.95 and up; Shaping, styling styl-ing and set, $1.00; Hair shaping, 75c; For falling hair, dandruff, and associated scalp disorders, Scalp treatment, $2.00; For dry skin, wrinkles, sagging muscles, a remarkable facial, $2.00; Hair coloring, bleaching-, including set, $3.50; Manicure, 75c; All beauty services performed under close and personal supervision of highly high-ly qualified, experienced instructors, instruc-tors, tf WE MUST CLEAR OUT our old Sewing machines to make room for 1959 models. Come in and make us an offer. Keller's Sewing Circle, 385 East 3rd N. Am. Fork. tf FOR SEWING SUPPLIES stop at Keller's Sewing Circle. 385 East 3rd North, Am. Fork. Machine Mach-ine repair, all makes; Thread, Sewing machine needles, Oil, Scissors Scis-sors sharpened. tf OPPORTUNITY Man or Women, Wo-men, Responsible person from this area, to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references and $800.00 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to S300.00 monthly. month-ly. Possibility fulltime work. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write United Sales & Mfg. Co., Dept. S, 5922 Excelsior Excel-sior Blvd., Minneapolis 16, Minn. Oc.2 CUSTOM DIGGING & Pipe Laying. Lay-ing. Phone Joe Ollivier, SU 5-3675, 5-3675, PI. Grove. Oc2 COAL Summer rates on tonnage. ton-nage. Lee Dickey, SU 5-2871 tf WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD Frigidaire Washers, Driers, Ranges, Ran-ges, and Refrigerators. LEANY'S, Ph. 4W, 86 West Main, Lehi. tf HATCH JEWELRY 33 W. Main American Fork. Full time watch maker. Guaranteed repairs, Regular Reg-ular watch cleaned, $5; Your Bul-ova, Bul-ova, Hamilton and Wyler dealer. Diamonds priced right. Gift headquarters. head-quarters. Jewel House member. tf FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE Check with us for special broad coverages and low rates with no membership fees. Jess Monson, Monson & Johnson, Insurance. Ph. SU 5-3031 P.G. or FR 3-8820 Provo. tf WATER HEATERS Completely rebuilt, one year unconditional guarantee, only $27.50, LEANY'S, Lchi, Fhone 4-W. tf PIANOS Why pay more Factory Fac-tory to You Spinets & Grands, Lester R. Taylor, Provo, FR 3-3125 3-3125 or at 109 N. 4th W. tf OPEN FULL TIME Tuesday thru Saturday. Evening-s by appointment. appoint-ment. We specialize in perman-ents, perman-ents, cutting- and styling. TIME IS ESSENTIAL, Try a new instant in-stant permanent wave. Prices $9-$10-$12.50 complete. SHIRL'S Beauty Salon, 2S7 East 4th N., Ph. SU 5-3131 tf WATCH AND JEWELRY Repair Guaranteed Service, You pay just as much for inferior work as you do for the best. Leave your work with us and g-et the best. Our Sen-ice man has had 20 years experience, why go elsewhere? Shields Sport & Gift Shop, 14 So. Main,, Ph. SU 5-4141 PI. Grove. tf WALL PAPER CLEANED Walls washed, Interior, exterior exter-ior painting, work guaranteed. SU 5-2863. Nvl3 FAIR SALE Necclu Automatic regular $305 value, this week for $225 with cabinet. Keller's Sewing Circle, 385 East 3rd North American Fork. tf WARNING To Dog Owners If any dogs are seen on my property, they will be shot on sight. Milton Adamson cur ":: rzzzj Little ij. leaguers fc 7 L y3 t o day. . . Jr-X yyirr Kl (mW Series heroes ' tomorrow! ...hi Staea if happens fast The little ones grow mighty fast Twenty years ago there were only in the steel business and it's a eleven companies that big. perpetual world series. Smaller companies have grown Some 250 steel companies, big rapidly since then. While the 11 and little, are in a continuous battle largest steel companies were in- for business 12 months of the year. creasing their capacity 67 percent, And the fight for business keeps all of the other companies boosted getting hotter. Today there are 19 their capacity 97 percent, companies able to make a million Competition? ... It gets tougher tons or more of steel ingots a year. every year ! AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE 150 East Forty-Second Street, New York City someone avay at school ? keep up on the nsvs by long distance Remember, rotei ce lowest after 6 P.M. and all dcy Sunday clwayj lower when you cd! s! -f on-to-itatlon. Mountain States Tel ephon 3 tz. l::1 i ZUFELT A U I O REPAIRS 109 East 1st N. Ph. 624 Am. Fork O Front End Alignment and Wheel Balancing O Complete Automotive Service FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Easy Budget Plan COMPLETE LAWN MOWER SERVICE Savage Lawnmower Sales |