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Show Officers Elected at Junior High; Sam West Studentbody Prexy Sam West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance West, was elected president presi-dent of the Junior High Student-body Student-body in elections held at the school Monday. The contest for studentbody officers was one of the most spirited held for some time, according to Principal Lyean Johnson. Elected at the same time was Nyal Richins, studentbody vice president; Gill.Wilckin, seoretary and Jean Turner, program chairman chair-man and representative. The Ninth Grade students chose Mark Johnson, president; Bill Wright, vice president; Linda Lin-da Nielson, secretary and Rowena Morgan, representative. Douglas Wadley was elected president of the Eighth Grade, with Dennis Swenson, vice presi dent; Shirley Boren, secretary; Geraldine Klemm, representative and Dile Wells, Doni Christensen and Joan Losh, cheerleaders. Seventh Graders elected Floris Robinson, president; Joel Carling, vice president; Douglas Hooley, secretary; Suzanne Walker, representative rep-resentative and Sharon Newman, Kathy Smith, Reta Lewis and Carol Gourley, cheerleaders. Principal Johnson announced that Junior High class advisers have been appointed as follows: Ninth Grade, Melvin Miner, Verna Hudson and Guy Hillman. Eighth Grade, Ethel Tregeagle, Earl Giles, Chester Stone and Harold Woolston. Seventh Grade, Max Shifrer, DeVerl Stewart, Leslie Leichty, and Keith Warnick. |