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Show Grove Trailbuilders Hold Welcome For New Members Grove Ward Primary held their Bazaar welcome last Wednesday when Trekkers and Guides welcomed wel-comed eight new members into their group, 'where they are now members of the trailbuilders. Beginning with the flag ceremony cere-mony conducted by the older groups, the Blazers repeated the code, and their leader, Barbara Easter presented the bandelows. Later the 24 boys and their teachers with the Primary presidency presi-dency as guests enjoyed games refreshments of chili burgers and punch. .lanet Anderson is leader of the Trekkc-rs and Gaylc Jorgensen the Guide patrol. Boys who received the advancement advance-ment were Allan Bezzant, Michael Mich-ael Bezzant, Allan Brady, Donald Don-ald Brailsford, James Kelley, Kel-ley Kel-ley Harper, Terry Harper and Tom Prestwich. |