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Show OA ADC AGO In the Review From the Files of the Review Friday, September 21, 1934 Local candidates for the November Nov-ember elections include: L. M. At-wood At-wood for county assessor; A. H. Lowe for State Senator and Wesley Jense for County Auditor. 24 Years Ago Ralph Warnick and Richard Swenson won the Utah County 4-H Club award. They demonstrated "Clean Milk and Milk in the Diet." 24 Years Ago Dean Walker, president of PGHS studentbody, met with the city Council Saturday night. Mr. Walker Walk-er asked that the city provide waste containers for the refuse at City Park. 24 Years Ago George L. Smith, Bert Cooper and Ike Hayes headed a group of businessmen who entertained the local baseball team at a party held in American Fork Canyon last Friday night. 24 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Shoell and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Halli-day Halli-day joined the Union Pacific "Old Timers" for a itrip to Boulder Dam on Friday. 24 Years Ago High School registration has readied a total of 214 according to a report issued last Monday. 24 Years Ago 500 mile mileage books may be purchased at the Orem station for lVs cents per mile, a reduction of y2 cent a mile. 24 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Walker and sons Cyril and Wesley motored motor-ed to Logan Monday. The two boys will register at USAC. 24 Years Ago Dr. C. O. Jensen, Vem Culli-more Culli-more and Paul Adamson have returned re-turned after a successful fishing trip to Strawberry Reservoir. 24 Years Ago The Thornton Lumber Yard offers of-fers coal at the following prices: Lump, $6 per ton; Nut, $5.50 and slack, $4.75. |