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Show Sixth Ward Cub Pack Holds Meeting Friday Mrs. Xed Mattinson was introduced intro-duced as a new den mother at the monthly meeting of Pack 3166 (Sixth Ward) held last Friday Fri-day night. Kent Turner will be her den chief. Cubmaster George R. Paul a-warded a-warded graduation certificates to Kenneth Bastian, Glen Mecham and Grant Ellis in acknowledgement acknowledge-ment of the completion of cubbing cub-bing work by these boys. They were presented to Mrs. Drew Edwards, Ed-wards, who with her husband, is Guide Scout leader. Lion badges were presented to Craig Colledge, Kenneth Bastian, -and Eugene Newman, while Raymond Ray-mond Duvall, Tommy Sanderson and Bruce New-man received their Wolf badges. Stephen Christiansen, Christian-sen, Freddy Spencer, Tommy Paul, Melvin Paclmall, Bobby West, and Greg-ory Spencer were awarded silver arrows denoting progress in cubbing. The traveling trophy for best parent attendance became the possession of Den No. 1, under Mrs. W. G. Klemm, for the coming com-ing month. |