Show PRAYERS FOR RAIN people of roumania Rou manla their akons bucharest aua 5 the entire grain crop ot roumania is threatened with ruin owing to alio persistent drouth there ha ssie no iaan for two months synod has ordered special prayer ia rain and groces carrying chons will take place rhou tomorrow experts to take control in an effort to wipe out peris in new orleans is not altogether encouraging new cases of yellow fever in new orleans to 1 p in 11 total cases to date deaths to noon aug 5 4 total deaths to date 93 the yellow fever Is gradually extending its grasp on new orleans but as this Is the third day in which no new cases have been reported outside of louisiana the spread stathe disease to adjoining states Is not feared in new orleans the situation Is admittedly mitt edly lous but by no means hopeless and the turning over of the fight to the federal government has inspired the local health authorities with renewed courage and atlon hearty operation cooperation co of the state and city health authorities with dr wymans bureau assured beyond a doubt and with a largely augmented corps ot fever experts at work la inca orleans and competent persona in the employ of the united states government seeking to modify the rigidity of quarantine inasmuch as such action can be safely taken will it is thought soon produce a splendid effect on the disturbed region restore confidence generally and soon show a decreases dec in the number of new cases fourteen cases in new orleans of persons other than italians were con in yesterdays official report showing that other nationalities ars to be infected the bulk of iche cases continue to come from the italian quarters but the maps on file in the health office begin to show in lection tec tion in many other districts in the city though there has been no actual spread as yet from outlying infection all cases being traceable to the original infection new cases in new orleans arc now reported to the health office as fast as they are discovered formerly no reports ft ere made until 6 p m st tammany parish la has refused to quarantine against new orleans this h due to the fact that no case of yellow developed ip that locality although it Is but a short distance from the city and seems to indicate that the fever carrying mos do not thrive in st tammany there is very little it any change in tha railroad situation but a betterment ot service Is expected by sun iday when it is expected calcasieu Calca sieu parish modify its quarantine sufficiently to permit the southern pa to resume through traffic the queen and crescent Is the only line operating into at present and it is managing to run one train teach way daily new orleaf 3 aug 5 the announcement no through the associated I 1 press in letters that president roosevelt had acted with characteristic te promptness on tha request ot governor blandhard to have the marine hospital service take charge ot the yellow fever situation here caused general satisfaction though in soma quarters there is dissent from the action of yesterdays meeting on tho ground that Louisiana ought not to surrender her inability to handle tho situation opinion generally is however that confidence outside of louisiana was so completely lacking in tho local health authorities that unless the interposition of tho government was asked there could be no expectation pec tation of a relaxation ot the severe quarantines until the coming 0 frost moreover it Is believed the powers discipline efficiency and resources of the government are necessary to handle the fever itself which is still strongly in trenched ta the downtown down town section of the city besides wiring surgeon general wyman president roosevelt has sent a prompt acknowledgment of his telegram from governor blanchard say ing 1 I have received your telegram on behalf ot yourself the mayor or new orleans the presidents of state and city boards of health and others and have at once requested by wire a report from surgeon general wyman as to what the federal government can do in addition to what has already boon done every assistance in my power will as a matter of course be rendered in this connection it is realized that president roosevelt has an engagement to come to new orleans besides visiting other cities in atte south in october heretofore in serious epidemics the fever ha always existed in october and quarantines have been maintained during that month unless therefore the government is able to stamp out the fever before october resulting in the raising ot quarantines the presidential visit to tho south will necessarily have to be abandoned ur white expects 10 be advised today that his department has assumed control surgeon funeral wyman himself will not it is thought come to new orleans remaining in wash ington where he can be in full touch with all the wark in the south but a large staff of marine hospital surgeons and workers will it is expected be immediately concentrated here concerning what will be done when the department takes charge dr wyman says our work 1 l bean enlarged application at tha at present in force taking the utmost precautions to prevent persons from moving whilo in a possible stage and infecting now districts a rigid application of measures destructive destruct ve to mosquitoes to the whole of any infected vicinity dally inspection of every person in every house where there has been a case of fever and a duplication in such houses of destructive measures for mosquitoes the railroad situation has somewhat improved and chaisa chalsa ciau the parishes which threatened to prevent the passage of any trains across their borders have made concessions ces dr tabor showing a dispo altion to modify his restrictions as to through passengers it is thought hat the southern and texas pacific will be able to move through passengers and some freight during the day at lafayette the southern pacific has lost some ot its men as a result of the fake dispatches there that people were dying in new orleans by the score assistant division resigned and with eight or ten operators and dispatchers took passage tor texas As was forecasted in these als patches the difficulties of handling the fruit trade through mobile are beginning to force the central ameri can ste amera back to this port there Is a complete boycott against fruit in any of the towns in mississippi edicts have been issued forbidding the passage of fruit trains through them |