Show I 1 CONTROL OF INSURANCE COMPANIES club of chicago discusses that subject chicago aug 4 three hours of discussion of wo insurance problems by the committee of the iroquois club yesterday left only one question tn the minds of the investigators it was Is congress authorized under the present federal constitution to enact legislation placing the companies ubi der federal supervision 1 the possibility of improved state ilano fc regarded alth so much hope 1 v A committee subcommittee sub of four attorneys who will have made a study of the life insurance laws will be appointed on congressional action and to report to the regular committee at the end of two weeks jt also Is requested to investigate any measures to make more effectual the supervision of the state superintendents the committee members will confine their attention almost entirely to learning it the insurance business may be classed as interstate commerce and thus come under the jurisdiction of congress it the decision Is reached that the legislation required Is beyond their au thorl ty measures tor securing a constitutional amendment will be considered there are now two bills for the federal regulation of insurance pending in congress one fathered by congressman morrell and the other by senator dryden who suggests a comprehend elve system of control neither has been acted upon and the question of federal jurisdiction will be presented to th e supreme court it is to the support of this latter proposition that the iroquois club and its supporters probably will turn |