Show BLOOD POISON contagious alood poison more thoroughly poisons the blood than any other disease every part of the body is affected when the virus becomes in trenched in the red eruptions break out on the sahn the mouth and throat ulcerate glands in the neck and groins swell the hair falls out copper colored splotches appear on the body etc X was afflicted with blood poison and tho beet doctors did rao no Z tool their treatment in fact I 1 to rot worse ajl abo while X took almost every eo called blood remedy they did not boehn to reach the disease and no whatever X ws for it that I 1 would never bo cured at alio of E friend I 1 then took 8 8 B and beean to improve I 1 continued the medicine and it anred aie completely comple taly bamlet 17 0 W E NEWE TAir i so highly contagious is this disease that many a life has been ruined by a friendly hand shake or from using the toilet articles of one affected with the poison to cure this hideous and hateful disease a constitutional remedy is re quiren 8 S S goes down to the very root of the trouble and force out every I 1 parade of the virus from the blood and cures the disease permanently S S S is purely vegetable and drives out the trouble rostand branch and no signs of it are ever seen again those been cured by PURELY VEGETABLE S S 8 can feel assured that none of the poison is left in the blood to transmit to innocent offspring the en aire body is built up and the blood made pure rich and healthy by aliis great remedy book with instructions for home treatment and any medical advice desired will be given free of charge THE SPECIFIC CO atlanta ga THE GREATEST OF tha first is the most crucial time if for the first time the greatest event in your married lives ii about to occur how expectant how wrape up in it you find yourselves you try to overlook but in vain that element of uncertainty and danger that you have been led to expect from the experience of those mothers and fathers nho kave struggled through this ordeal in ignera acx of what it is and what it does if at this time every expectant rain and wife might know of this greatest of boons devised for the express purpose of alleviating and the suffering and consequent danger of chila dertl bow quickly ah doubt and worry be dissipated mothers friend is an invaluable liniment for through whose potent agency mothers have been enabled to experience the joy of parturition for the first time without danger to themselves them ot their offspring off spring BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO atlant At tant go |