Show SALT effi of THE mm P rom our special correspondent registration AT PROVO many people have gone on to the reservation advises advices received from prove yes berday indicated there had been a marked increase in the number of registrations filed there during the day over wednesday the order issued by commissioner richards permitting registered persons to enter the reservation immediately upon registration has had the effect of causing many to go to the reservation there were fully in alno at procter academy yesterday morning tor several hours before the opening of the registration booths these men and women were good natured but the year and tear of the last few days is beginning to tell on some of them the crowd at parker school booth and these men and women many of them were in linn froni before daylight there was no disorder at either booth though there several incipient fights during the night in the saloon district tae first registered at the school berei evan evans huntsville via walter richardson utah miss bessie durban fort sill oklahoma absalom free clifton utah it is expected in many quarters that will be serious trouble inthe reservation er immediately following the opening or more likely just before tha opening as fhe result of disputes over coveted claims this trouble will result it la feared because of the method ot selection the first fifty men whose names are drawn will be allowed to make first selections in the entire reservation two or more of these may claim the same land and shooting will result again these men may tabe the land away or attempt to from those who have selected and then turere will be a series of tragedies many of the men who have registered and who have already moved towa td the reservation are armed and havo themselves with ammunition GRAVES TAKES A CHANCE the telegram published the follow ipg special from provo yesterday concerning the registration of fire chief george graves of the ogden fire department fire chief george graves of ogden ran to register or entry ant the reservation provo Is chief gravess former residence as ha lived here many years ago during his residence here chief graves was yard superintendent for the smoot bumbel company he wa on the lake and was stroke for the provo rowing club tor many years he knows the reservation thoroughly and purposes to get as piece of land with timber on it near one of the many streams in the reservation er i he is fortunate enough to make a drawing chief grave is an experienced man inland in land rushes as he participated in the opening otha lands in nebraska many acara ago during the nebraska rush he made a fortune or two in the lumber business and then by staying too long lost them he Is a man that cannot stay at j the long and always managed lp break with a little ahead chief graves ays that there is any amount of good land in the reservation cpr many kinds of purposes it he draws a lucky number he will go to the reservation direct from ogden RESTRAIN councilmen COUNCIL MEr A surprise was to have been sprung on the city council members yesterday in the form of an injunction suit to restrain councilmen barnes wells and tuddenham from voting on the franchise question A law firm has been employed to draw up the complaint and it is believed that the will bo filed at bome crucial moment in the petition it will bo charged that joseph F smith as trustee in trust for tha mormon church Is one of the stockholders of alio utah light railway company wells barnes and tuddenham are bembera of the an dWells is one of its boffl cere being one of the seven presidents of the seventies therefore it will ba argued that these councilmen have a vital interest in the affairs of the company and are unqualified to vole EVENTS AT calders there are alro events on the pro gramme arranged for the opening of the our dayi giors races at caldera park which begins today all the horsemen interested and the management ot the park got together wednesday and decided that the public should have tho very best card possibly pos during the our days races and it wai with this in view that five events were placed on the first days card the list coji fains events which will make some mighty interesting racing races will include a three quarter dash with six entries a five eights belling a anve handicap 1 a and one hair furlong and a one halt mile run in each of these events there are five and six entries but names will not be given until today ASK FOR PARDONS the following convicts have applied to the state board of pardon for release john T carson convicted for forgery in july 10 and een fenced to eighteen months in abo state prison linn E jonea convicted of carnal knowledge corf february 22 1905 and sentenced in kaep county to eighteen months in the slate prison nals en convicted in we ber county of fornication and sen fenced to serve flye months in the county jail 0 april 3 1905 ENTHUSES OVER IDAHO M J gray of st Anth cay ida ono of the beet known raisers in idaho la in salt lake mr gray preceded prece dad the rio grande across mar shall pass by several years he is at the kenyon mr gray in glowing terms oi the prospected ot his adopted country and declares that every branch of in austry in idaho Is forging to the front mr gray Is well known here bavins spent several years as a resident of salt lake city before going to idaho HEAGREN AFTER crameri harry heagren does not propose that cycle racing shall languish even it iver lawson has gone to other fields he has already wired frank L kram er the american champion and ed F root the champion six day rider offers ing them big inducements to como here at once mr heagren expects to receive an affirmative answer at almost any moment SALT LAKE NOTES sam ericc known to the police as the eel was put on trial yesterday in the district court on a charge of burglary in the second degree complaints have afen made to the street department 0 the dust on fourth south street between first and because of poor sprinkling A grass fire blazed tor an hour in parleys canyon wednesday afternoon bach or the kalbaugh quarry no damage was done to buildings or the fences mrs sabra A world wife of harry J world died yesterday at the age ot 61 years the body will be taken to price today where the funeral serf vices will be A brush fire originating near where twelfth street would be it were sur keyed swept northward over the ridge toward city creek canyon yesterday the hill was denuded of vegetation thero was no property losa manager W S jones of the utah association announces that the last of the seasons events at the state fair grounds will be run on labor day A splendid card has already been prepared among them being three harness and one running race |