Show BOY WILL NEVER BE A GRAFTER portland august 6 secretary henry E reed of the lewis and dark exposition has just seat an up to date camera with a roll of films and other accessories to thirteen year old F R newman of colfax wash the secretary doe not send cameras to every boy who attends the exposition but in the case of master newman he made an exception A few days ago secretary reed received a letter from young newman containing a quarter and explaining that the money was seat because the boy at the suggestion of an older person had represented himself to bo under 12 years of ago and by this means had entered the exposition gate free on the fourth of july when children under 12 were thus admitted when the boy returned home his conscience smote him 1 I think I 1 ought to have paid ho wrote the boya honesty so pleased the secretary that the camera was sent in appreciation and mr reed sent with it a letter which no doubt master newman will treasure all his life |