Show THE CHILDREN ON THC TENEMENT i president Roosevel ts trip d coney island in order to inspect fie sea breeze home Is likely to dry pome 1 needed to the physical condition of the tenement Cen ement dwellers of new york the sea breeze home has been established tor the benefit of poor children who ara suffering from bone troubles it is doubtless doing an ad mirable work lut its painful inadequacy la made evident by the presidents remarks he says that the hospital has room por forty anve children and that there are more than cases of bon tuberculosis la each the tenement house districts of new york over applicants have therefore to be infused annually these figures may have been 4 ported but the what actually exists Is sufficiently disquieting th tenement districts are mere breeding grounds tor diseased aad stunted hu manity for men and women who are physically and morally poisonous to theta tare of the naton the I 1 real threat to tta progress of america s not so an insufficient number of children Cs the ho that too often su round tha children we already have these condl tlona are such as to prevent their helpless victims from growing up to be anything else than scourges urges to civilization civilisation bace suicide may be an ovil but it Is insignificant ln comparison with this san francisco august 6 john A clogan bell aged 23 years shot and wiled his stepfather step father joseph bartlett Bart letl aged 65 years today ballett waa a fruit peddler and bell worked for him the men were continually continual lr quarreling today another quarrel arose bell is undersized while bart lett was large aud powerful they came to blows aid bell secured an axe but bartlett it from the younger man and cat him with 11 during the fight mrs bartlett mother of bell tried to act as peacemaker and was accidentally struck with the axe ahe fainted and bell ran into tho house to get a small rifle it is claimed that bartlett then started to attack bell with the axe and was warned away but did not stop bell then shot him in the breast and death soon followed mother and son were taken into custody |