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Show Local Government Education Is Aim Of Women Voters When a , group of thoughtful women want to Inform themselves them-selves about their local government, govern-ment, they begin an exciting task. The League of Women Voters Vot-ers In Cedar City, like all other newly organized leagues, is undertaking un-dertaking a "Know Your Town Government" survey as the Initial Init-ial project in order to give each member a background knowledge knowl-edge of our town government. This information Is vital because knowledge of local government will help citizens understand state and national government. The purpose of the survey is to discover the facts. Information Is first sought from written records such as the city charter, annual reports and other official publl-cations. publl-cations. When the research work h; completed, local officials are Interviewed to supplement what has been found in the written records. Next year the league plans to publish the findings of the survey in handbook form so that the community may share what the league has learned. Meanwhile articles like this one will tell the story of what is going go-ing on. Mrs. E. II. Hearrell, the second vice president of the league, is the chairman of the survey. Working with her are eight sub-chairmen, sub-chairmen, each with a committee commit-tee to assist her. The findings of the committee are discussed in the unit meetings held twice a month, each woman having the opportunity to take part in the discussion because study material mater-ial has been given her ahead of time |