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Show NEWS ABOUT TOWN Mrs. Ralph Box Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Power, Sr., are the proud parents of a baby son, born April 29, at Yuma, Arizona. ! Several members of the Frank-line Frank-line Lodge, F and A M, accompanied accom-panied by their wives attended the dedication ceremonies at the new Masonic Temple in Milford Saturday. Douglas Bonzo is home on leave for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bonzo. Bon-zo. Douglas is one of the six sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bonzo serving with the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cummings Cum-mings and their four children will leave Cedar City Saturday to make their home in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Arrow-smith Arrow-smith and two children of Kansas, Kan-sas, City, Mo. will spend the next two weeks visiting In Cedar City with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Arrow-smith. Arrow-smith. Attending the banquet and visitation vi-sitation of the grand officers of the Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star at Richfield Thursday Thurs-day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roach, Miss Jerrie Lee Roach, Mrs. Otto Junge, Mrs. Fred LaFrentz and Mrs. H. M. Endsley. Kathleen Geiger left Wednesday Wednes-day morning by plane for Campbell Camp-bell River, B. C. to join her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Geiger, who are making their home there. |