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Show Plans for Parowan Stake-Third Vard Recreation Hall Get Final Approval A drawing of the proposed new Parowan Third ward and Parowan Paro-wan stake recreation hall, which is to be built soon by the two organizations as a joint project, was received from the architects, Fetzer' and Fetzer, during the week. The plans for the drawing were made after much time and study by the ward-stake building build-ing committee, and several conferences con-ferences between the members of the committee and the architects. archi-tects. The new structure will be built west of and joining the present Third ward chapel with the main entrance facing south on first South and running back north for a distance of almost 144 feet. It will be large enough to take care of any and all stake functions func-tions as well as furnish the Third ward with much needed recreational recrea-tional facilities and class rooms. The new building will be 60 feet wide with the main portion being a recreation hall-gymnasium 60 feet wide by 98 feet long. This will take care of stake and ward dances and recreational needs, especially the church basketball bas-ketball program. Other things included in the building will be a stage, 24 by 60 feet; an Aaronic priesthood and boy scout room, 20 by 24 feet; quarters for the Relief Society, So-ciety, ' including an assembly room 20 by 30 feet, kitchen 15 by 20 feet with serving counter opening op-ening on recreation hall, and quarters for the Junior Sunday school consisting of an assembly room and four class rooms. The Relief Society. quarters will be in the front of the building and east of the main entrance, with the Aaronic priesthood room west of the entrance. The Junior Sunday School quarters will be directly over these rooms, and all can be reached from the .main entrance, another entrance on the west, or through the present chapel. The space underneath the stage on the north end of the building will contain dressing rooms, showers, lockers, makeup make-up room, organizational storage rooms and baptismal font. There will be two entrances to these facilities fa-cilities without going through the main building, one on the east and one on the west side. Because Be-cause of the slope of the ground these rooms will be almost on a ground level with only two feet of excavation necessary for the structure we understand. A balcony will extend the full width of the recreation hall on the south end to be used for spectator space for athletic events and also for projection space for film showing. Provisidn Is being made for ample off-street parking space in the area west and north of the new building. Arnold Gurr, chairman of the building committee states that one of the first things to be undertaken un-dertaken toward the building will be getting out timber for the lumber needs of the structure. 75,000 feet of lumber Is needed and it will be obtained free off the Dixie Forest through an administrative ad-ministrative use permit. The timber will be part yellow pine to come from Houston Flat near the Mammoth Creek, and part spruce, to come from Sage Flat below Midway. 1 |