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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate appropri-ate water In Iron County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, and all locations being from SLB & M, unless otherwise designated. des-ignated. To Change: a-2612 Kanarra Field Reservoir Reser-voir and Irrigation Company, Kanarraville, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion of 9.12 sec. ft. of water acquired by Kanarra Creek Decree, March 8, 1923. The water has been diverted divert-ed from Kanarra Creek at a point S. 1320 ft. and E. 1950 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 35, T37S, R12W. The water has been used from Mar. 1 to Nov. 30 to irrigate 547.2 acres of land embraced in SM-SWtf SM-SWtf Sec. 27, E'iNEVi, SEV Sec. 33, W'i, WNE4, WttSEVi and 71 town lots in EV4 Sec. 34, T37S, R12W, NttNWtt Sec. 3, NEVi-NEV NEVi-NEV Sec. 4, T38S, R12W, and for incidental domestic and stock-watering stock-watering purposes. Hereafter, it is proposed to divert di-vert 9.12 sec. ft. of water at a point S. 1393.5 ft, and E. 2005.5 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 35, T37S. R12W. The water will be conveyed con-veyed a distance of 55 ft. to the old diverting ditch and carried an additional 3945 ft. where it will be used during the same period and for the same purposes pur-poses as heretofore. a-2617 Leonard Bulloch, Cedar Ce-dar City, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 1.448 sec. ft. of water evidenced bv Undeizround-wa- ter Claim No. 13488 tis amended by Change Application No. a-1648. The water has been diverted di-verted from a well located at a point N. 615 ft: and VV. 1950 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 5, T36S, R11W, and used as a supplemental supply from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate 114.99 acres of land embraced em-braced in SV4SWK, SWKSEK Sec. 5, SEViSEVi sec. 6, NW-NEW, NW-NEW, NE!4NW4 Sec. 8, T36S, R11W, Hereafter it is proposed to divert di-vert 1.448 sec. ft. of water from a 12-in well, 110 ft. deep at a point N. 636 ft. and W. 2020 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 5, T36S, R11W. The water will be used from Aijr. 1 to Oct. 31 as a supplemental supplemen-tal supply to irrigate 133.10 acres of land embraced in SWKSWW, SEKSWVi, SWViSEVi Sec. 5, SEKSEVi Sec. 6, T36S, R11W. a-2620 D. G. Page, Enterprise, Enter-prise, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 2.0 sec. ft. of water initiated init-iated by Application to Segregate Segre-gate No. 12085-a. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 10 ft. and E. 2640 ft from Wi4 Cor. Sec. 26, T34S, R15W, and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced in NH Sec. 26, T34S, R15W, and for year-round incidental domestic and stock-watering stock-watering purposes. Hereafter, it is proposed to divert di-vert 2.0 sec. ft. of water from a 16-in. well bet. 100 and 350 ft. deep at a point N. 100 ft. and E. 140 ft. from Stt Cor. Sec. 4, T35S, R16W. The water is to be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced em-braced in WttSEtt, EttSWK Sec. 4, T35S, R16W, and for year-round incidental domestic and stock-watering stock-watering purposes. To Appropriate: 17148 Joseph N. Smith, 29 North 2nd East, Cedar City, UL 1.5 sec. ft. for irrigation use from a 16-in. well bet. 100 and 350 ft. deep at a point N. 61 ft. and W. 36 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 8. T35S. R11W. The water will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irrigate 80 acres of land embraced in ESW Sec. 8, T35S, R11W, and for year-round incidental domestic domes-tic and stock-watering purposes. 23460 Cedar City Corporation, Corpora-tion, Cedar City, Ut. .34 sec. ft. for municipal purposes from Shale Hill Spring, (a spring area) tributary to Coal Creek at a point S. 207 ft. and E. 233 ft from W?4 Cor. Sec. 17, T36S, R10W, which is the point of collection col-lection of a spring area described describ-ed as. follows: Commencing at a point S. 202 ft. and E. 233 ft. from W Cor. Sec. 17, T3GS, 10W, thence N. 38"07 E. 73.4 ft. S. 6908' E. 32.6 ft., S. 1926' W. 71.7 ft., S. 31'51' E. 64.3 ft., S. 5406' W. 25.0 ft., N. 3553' W. 112.0 ft. to beginning. The water will be developed by laying in the spring area 100 ft. of perforated per-forated pipe or tile 10 inches in diameter. At the point of collection collec-tion a concrete collection box will be constructed and a pump installed to carry the water through 480 ft. of 4-in. steel pipe to an existing 10-in. pipe line in Cedar Canyon, where it will be commingled with Cedar Canyon water and used from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30, for municipal purposes in Cedar City, Utah. 23588 Leatha Graff Prest-wich, Prest-wich, 263 So. Main, Cedar City, Ut 4 sec. ft for irrigation use from Kanarrah Creek, tributary to Ash Creek at a point S. 1393.5 ft. and E. 2005.5 ft from NW Cor. Sec. 35, T37S, R12W. The water will be diverted by diverting boxes and head gates and conveyed con-veyed through an earthen ditch a distance of 16,000 ft., where it will be used from Mar. 1 to Nov. 30 as a supplemental supply to irrigate 248 acres of land embraced em-braced in SWV4SEV4, SEViSWK, SWttSWK, NEViSWVi. SW-NEK, SW-NEK, NWttNEK Sec. 27, SWK-NEVi, SWK-NEVi, NWViNWViSEVi, NEK-SWV4 NEK-SWV4 Sec. 34, SEVi Sec. 33, T37S, R12W. 23743 M. A. or Effie R. Beauregard, 3095 So. 2nd E.. Salt Lake City, Ut. 3 sec. ft. for irrigation irri-gation use from a 14-in. well bet. 50 and 300 ft. deep at a point S. 1270 ft. and W 50 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 20, T33S, R8W. The water is to beused from Apr. 1 to Nov. 1 to irrigate 80 acres of land embraced in SESEVi Sec. 17, NEV4NEV4 Sec. 20, T33S, R8W, and for incidental domestic and stock-watering purposes. 23762 Milton H. Gentry, Box 269, Beaver, Ut 20 sec. ft. for irrigation ir-rigation use from Fremont Wash, tributary to Little Salt Lake at a point S. 5040' W. 1995 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 15, T31S, R7W; The water will be diverted by means of an earthen diversion dam and head gates and carried through an eathen channel a distance of 3000 ft. where it will be used from Mar. 1 to Sept. 30 to irrigate 800 acres of land embraced in S'4 Sec. 16, SEV4 Sec. 17, NEVi and SWVi Sec. 20, NHSWVi Sec. 21, WV4 Sec. 29, T31S, R7W. 23803 B. Glen Kenney, P. O. Box 1189, Cedar City, Ut. 3 sec. ft for irrigation use from Fiddler's Fid-dler's Canyon Creek, tributary to Coal Creek at a point N. 380 ft and W. 1250 ft from SE Cor. Sec. 26, T35S, R11W. The water will be diverted by an earth dam and I carried through an earth channel chan-nel a distance of 1300 ft. where it will be used from Mar. 1 to Nov. 1, as a supplemental supply to irrigate 80 acres of land embraced em-braced in SV4NE. NVsSEVi, SWViSEVi Sec. 26, T35S, R11W. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications appli-cations with reasons , therefor, must be made in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before August 16, 1952. JoMph M. Tracy, STATE ENGINEER. Published in the Iron County Record, Cedar City, Utah, from June 19 to July 17, 1952. |