Show c abol W sauvi A the cirlin otake teri terl cont conf r cn on a e an ups fn ald at ilice marih uth and 21 there bere in attendance the otake high council counell a of bishops of the argoue wards and nn an increase of members member i of the differ nt ward pierpont ater etc rider ilder otson V hitney of the i council unell of the twelve and joaeph jere p h W of the first council of or aoi se antles the theme treated upon were mere of a character i iw ax to she 11 gem n to all both old and oun rett n forth the nett ity tty of leeping the command mente of the lord ua its he had outlined them thern the scriptures could not ie it eg g a 1 P 1 I and anti parts taken juet just to alt U arp burx U eles hut but ruurt he be taken as a hole with an abiding faith and obedience thereto in order to receive the blessings bier bler sings fredica predicated t ed therein the P of god aas upon wa sr that we are children made in ilia vis likener and im we if it se a noute be hippi happ and rain gain HN approval al we mirt oley the lano and its glen unto ui U i in this life and b ro dolnar 1 may IX t exulted exalted back into ill 11 1 I rida fidai and day the rell relief leta ar oblation and anti huldd schools held their conference con ferenc and anti con coo eatlo n members of the agn fineral A r boarde L ring cruler rj geelt in uart tlona in the different brot in tlona the e confere on ference nf adjourned atla tip ti me meet et at 84 K c field it in june q u make clerk |