Show BUNK appropriation 1101 ity m illeta lic ir i 1 r 1 I lor for talc tate in ne important signed by lugernor lu vernor sarv wae was the biennial road appropriation I 1 till III walh hith makee maket 1 ion on for the t ture of of state funda funds a douall ter for the construction st lon and main tena re nf f the roada of the tule under no tle etton of f the state road comm comin liton folon thia this 0 appropriation r ution amount amounts to 1600 early for each of the t onty fight eight coultm count la of the state under the terme terms of the bill this appropriation in Is not aal available lable tor for the moat biot t populous of the state until each haf has an amount eidal it tn that allotted ax b the tate state ae I 1 populous loue counties count tes arc are to appropriate one halt half the muni do 1 I niteis I 1 the state and the mahr Lount let ill at required require tl to ti ton contribute tribute one oile of the rum the depict tu to ir itle from the state the state road fund will le be gratl br augi rented 1 the proceeds prot eeds of the ll roning motor eba lo tax alty bill creating treat ln this tax as also nl aligned ly the goer governor nor tu esdar ilai ahls bill fixes a gr graduated tax on mi all motor hid hicl tg graded its it prop profir r ion to tho the of the ilia nines I 1 rom this a an in increase ing reen revenue tie li pi expected each car it Is e timatea that during the fir firt it two care cars the from this tax will III amount to 1 thia this nione mone will be de demoted to the construction on and maintenance of roads and will ill become a at part of the state road fund the Ado advocate cate pointed out paral 1 weeks ao also that it naj aj not probable proba blu that any of the special road attona be luned b bi the governor As has been the history of eer other utah legislature the new rop crop of naked asked for unreal anable amounda for road work in their th lre bilk together tho the general appropriation bill are put up to tho the go governor arnor during tho the closing bourm the chief exec executive uthe acting upon 11 tl it cm ern after the legislature has ad journea an urual thu the eions asked for great exceeded the estimated amount of ree revenue nue and the ilAx lal appropriation were nere promptly tl vetoed it will bo be noted that none of the old members of the house were the authora authors of an special rod roid bills it was a just lust the he recently elected depre rent athes that asked for tho the imps 1 ible while hile the old time legista good natu cilly realy interposed no n opposition to their requests request 4 J II 11 mcdonald notari dutille hlll move hid his office the first of f the month 0 to the weft ert room of the I 1 aglia Ilor isonomy ionio building |