Show EUROPE MUST HAVE BABIES THROUGH ANY MEANS BOY BABIES preferred all europe is m making aking a frantic ellort at nt this time to increase the popularity Iopu 1 larity of babies and preferable boy babies saya says the pocatello tribune it is not a demand on the part of the people so much v but is advocated by statesmen of the different nations now involved in the present war it is a demand to the people in lit dead earnest earnesto for the t Is that they will be needed to take the place of the men lost 1 if i present world struggle says the idaho fals falls Ret roaster ister as is call upon the people of the several sev eral countries sounds like ai n KV tet un to a state of barbarism nevertheless it is true although it is a great step down the scale of modern civilization they need boy babies just at they need wheat or horses or copper or cattle these statesmen of most of the nations in the great war have hae thrown aside all the peace time conventionality about marriage babies they cry we wo inuit have babies no matter how we set get tiem and if these same statesmen could persuade the Eui european storks to bring only boy babies for the next five years they would do it delightedly there are plenty of women in europe there will bo be too tou many by tho the time the war aar is ended the thi german statesmen have gone about the abby breeding business with characteristic thoroughness they have made rules which encourage young reci recruits to marry before departing for the front they want A ant the fathers father i of germanys babiec to be the strong men inen of the firing line not tho the weaklings who go to war but the most astonishing german plan m d already in the way of accomplishment red cross parties of doctors and midwives from the lying in hospitals of germany will be sent to belgium and northern france during the next few weeks and escort into war 1 ridden europe the that are born in the trail of the german army in france have havo gone to the last limit in lefiti mat izing unmarried moth mothers ers are ranked I 1 w I 1 ith th the in married arri ed ones it comes to the payment of war benefits A and nd the statesmen of staid old england have folloni followed ed france in this direction in france Franc there ethere idas no protest but a handful of episcopalian Episco bishops in lit england who happened to be in convocation at the time the rule was nas passed complained bitterly about placing dunmat ried wives on the same footing in the N war ar benefit lists with ith married women english soldiers are tire encouraged in every possible way to wed before departing for tho the fiant tho french however have ece exceeded eded all former bounds they have planned a law by which a soldier at the front may many mariy by proxy in this way NRY it is ii believed that many unmarried lothers will mill be sel set right and their children without the necessity f calling the soldier father home from the busy front if the N women omen of europe in in ary nation are protis protesting ting agal against n st th jhb plan of the statesmen for extensive and general breeding of 0 f bobies babies their objections objection 4 ai e being silenced by the censors carbon county even i et ct a it whipping post the ti bouble with a N very ery large number of the un empio ed is that the last thing that occurs to them is to go to I 1 work or the editors of the bear river mer valley valle leader and the iron county record are engaged in a friendly discussion discua aion as to which of their re respective homes cedar city or tremonton Tre monton will nill short shortly ly i ival zion as a commercial center with the veto of the referendum bill by the the pro of utah have hane no hope for any further liquor legislation for at least another two wo years only in county units unit or incorporated cities and mid towns nt n t is there any opportunity foi a vote ote on licensed saloons in order to bring this up ap signed by 25 per cent of the qualified electors of the count or municipality must be presented to the board of county or city council an in election can be called |