Show me mm livE mm ATTENTION pope objects urt to lit cluing chang ins ing blout to lie despite the fact that practically cally all the state appropriation appropriations for rood good roads mado made by the list legislature u er dl disapproved by co oo william cpr on account of 0 lack ot of funds the salt lake ca club gif il roads committee contemplates an nn aitla campaign thie this raring for the ol 01 0 ening up ill ut of the atah links of 0 tr transcontinental and interstate highway its 1 fir first it atop step in thie this direction ani taken at a meeting of the committee afternoon and after organizing organ ising and elating dr 11 it ellerbeck chairman took up the matter of if tho the ill c a peak ocean V t ocean highway tho route of highfi nest best muni a rd 1 uni lint duchat naf has bein the source ot of much contention among the ral in the lindah ln ba in and adjoining terri territory tor no in order to net the matter the ll teu tee the tile rou route te which mill ill be auert art from du ileane he e through the itral berry al at I 1 le through 11 candon to city lan donn croo canon to broo and north on the state rol roal I 1 to salt lake L tit the A route west of salt lake will ut I 1 oer the official route of the lincoln rational national highway its va a of the it enil end of the great wt ake lake I the tile laki reak peak ocean to ocean haghna which operates oper atea through st hoseph ulo ito colorado springs Sirl nga and anti west bakesin take in some of or tho the morl at tra the scenic botn in the icat it la in through the tile t blote of f tho the itoe ky NIO dl a 8 in AVee 1 eltern tern I 1 tol ol 01 orado and Is 1 in excellent conditi condl ti tio i practically the entire route it ah a officially opened hel viat u when a party of rift fifteen en color colorado ido and utah t an art made a trip over the route from colorado 1 to S til it lake 1 i II 11 1 M I pope of ducar ane appeared before the good roade roads commIt committed teo and anti asked that the club of salt lake loin join in a protest to the ted states po pt tal tat department ag dinst hanging changing the mull mall contract routing from rutih points into the vintah li ba b A min in to operate from colorado point mr pope aia 1 the t hinge wl eh ich wax was being contemplated ly by the postal tu iu lea would segregate Feg reg regate the vintah basin from front utah and anti make it abool tributary to colorado joints th the committee adopted a resolution endo rising mr pope n eland stand and will recommend to the board of governor that the protect protest be entered alth ith the proper authorities the matter alaj will be hid before the I 1 aard 1 of direct ora ors of the of altah the beber eber club ogden the P 0 0 club and other aher commercial and industrial dorgai ama eions of the tate state Marr lase licenses ero by the county clerk to john I 1 P gagnath of gateway cao and oertrude gertrude if it bickford of itice price on the d ct of th month and to william aln paul and helen ireton white of oura utah this morning |