Show 1 quality in C r the supreme point about our goods sieds is their reliable al quality alit 0 t our ur business isn isn t guess work we know for a fact that our groceries ire of the very best quality before we let them enter the stores we ha have N e found that these are the kind d of groceries most people w want int don t get the idea that high ty I 1 makes na kes our prices h high h for I 1 f t doesn doean t we carry a coni complete line of general merchandise and i I 1 our service is unexcelled j i c t wasatch store co 1 stores at Sunny sunnyside side castle gate winter quarters and clear creek 4 V ve V strive t V it to pa please aas V we carry a most complete stock of general merchandise including and fancy groceries shoes dry goods and notions we can furnish furnis h anything for the ranchman or our oar prices are the lowest lonest and our goods are of the beet it is a pleasure to quote prices and show goods J M MILLER DI COLTON COL TON UTAH s utah TTA mt fad lo 10 vel company MINERS AND SHIPPERS CARBON COUNTY COOLS ALSO manufacturers OF COKE i carbon county coals arc are the best in the Inar market icet for horses llo mules for vir mines ilay a and grain 5 mine ulna props ties and various other local products S HOME industries patronized general offices seventh floor judge building salt lake city mines at clear creek winter quarters castle gate utah mine and sunnyside Sunny side carbon county utah 0 o 0 I 1 20 hn r t central barber shop and pool hall block price utah icv 4 corner 0 orner sa S prop CARDS I 1 ATTORNEYS 3 D attorney a it tl law practices in all the court courts of the state 8 and the federal court courts office eighth lake w t loor ioor kearns BuIldt nr salt city utah C C law aill ft ill practice tn in all the court courts cf of the state office at county court house price utah AV D livingston lawyer water and litigation catlon liven given special attention land matter matters col coi leaion and RII 11 legal busine business will practice in all the courts boyd park building salt ike lake city utah samuel lamuel A king jing claude 1 L kin icing KING KING HING attorney s at lav la commercial block salt lake city 11 FRYE attane at law in all courts of the state alao also in the federal court courts office in the muta building price utah RICHARD B THURMAN attorney at law will practice in all tat state and fed d erl eral courts boston building Dull din salt lake city utah FERDINAND ERICKSEN lawyer laier 71 judee judge bid gal salt lalie lake city L 0 law office la in parker weeter block PRICE UTAH GEORGE A COLE attorney at law and state land office practice water rights 21 poston building salt lake city L A mcgee attorney at law iella dondino block price utah physicians A C SORENSEN physician and surgeon in and children e 11 diseases general surgery and medicine office in parker weeter biocic price utah PRICE UTAH r r risk physician ph asician and surgeon PRICE UTAH DR E F chamberlain physician and surgeon office over golden nole 1 miscellaneous R J TURNER cibil mining I 1 aneer Su sunry reys of all kind kinds mine examinations an am report reports on coal land lands P 0 box ja e utah r 1101 5 it t tiL li f riTZ nin LI BROS CO in lands 25 atlas block salt lake city II 11 i 3 ritz eitzgerald ritze erald gerald attorney IL it J me DONALD notary public e nl at bald real fhate A Im estment co TO TIIE PI Ile ginning SI february rebr uary 1 the undersigned hlll place their business on a cash basis elling for teh ash only this step Is 1 take taken to protect tho undersigned and their coh cash customers under the credit system is ansh customers cutt omere are compelled to pay for the tile losses sustained through credit to customers cua tomen hoping none of our out customers it feel aSTl eved at this step wa w remain very vat truly yours a N X nu asELL and Tra Trea orr utah beat barkl 5 5 I 1 ogden e packing P a c k i 4 n co X W R A N CH KOUSE H 0 U S E AT A T PRICE P K ICE f UTAH PRODUCTS V ask for nectar brand hams and bacon gold leaf ard tr seg seo G lily arnds of lard also full line of fresh meats ments and sausages X X only ut utah ah packers Ope operating ratin y under tinder government Goern ment inspection t TELU TELEPHONE fi 4 P foft aft S N X oaken U UK NG ju S GUN 1 Y ODGEN SALT SALI LAKE PRICE r A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i 4 0 eastern utah telephone Te ledone P co 0 wishes to announce that effective peb feb 26 1915 the rate fors for 3 minute conversations will be reduced from as 25 to tc IS 15 cente for distances within a radius of three miles from any station eastern utah nam h telephone co coo keritu NBC 1 y P q ous HARRY prop pit op distributors for ano ANG BE L per case 24 2 large bodies bottles bull per case small bottles 4 per case U 24 L rge bottles but per case 40 small bottles sies RHO rebate on case of bottles kentucky kentuck y liquor 1 2 q bor house GET READY NOW ONLY boull VM THREE REGRET EOR WEEKS IT IF AWAY YOU NOW ASTIR DEAY L dont neglect arderia ordering el your spring clothes until the last minute ini flute re member ember in bod good clothes cant be made in a day FRANK L L TAILOR price utah f the white ulf I 1 e dove I 1 ha boa in all aces been deemed a an emblem of peace and it t haa has in variably art ably been true la IIA family fatally affair affairs where you find a OL lack acl of white dove flour peace and nd harmony prevails this Is 1 a high erade trade utah every ack sack to guaranteed sold by the price co price trading c co carbon county commission co no truit trust mca t and grocery co garden store in fact no farrat class grocery store haa has hta his stock complete unless he h carr carrier te thle brad of flour reals d trademark k the high COAL C 0 A L goi eminent Equi equivalent talent 2101 2104 eba unequalled for storage will not slack bet det de t of steaming and qualities independent goal coal coke go mines nt at kenilworth utah cn office offices walker dank bank dide SALT LAKE ciar NOR NORTHERA THERiN BAR yint first cla clam and up to dato courteous Courte ou and fair treatment Trat mat ment to AIL J ACKE lUtAN AN A bmw arf |