Show k I 1 X ve we make a specialty of X 0 FRESH MEATS MEAS v Ele rf ef veal V acil 1 A 14 pork and 4 M U VE AJ 0 11 0 A utah market j V turner block price utah X A 1 i 0 o SCARCE CARCE SCARCE S r aa R C E to I 1 I 1 WHAT MONEY 0 I 1 AM AA NOT able TO BUY A NEW SUIT J R F M B E y J Z 0 will take my suit to the ACME CLEANERS and t t and get it cleaned by an experienced and skilled killed cleaner reasonable prices work guaranteed f MATS ars A rs CL CLEANED E and BLOCKED ft t ew suit made to order at hard times prices LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY OUT OF TOWN WORK f ED f t BONE 6 TURNER BLOCK PRICE f 11 H S N 14 44 0 H 11 44 4 ap 1 0 44 ap it W l 4 TO THE PUBLIC s e A A 4 Y WE IVE wish to announce that there will be a meeting of the stockholders X of oft the carbon county commission om mission company within a few days at which 4 1 it is probable a new company will be formed which will take over th the stock and business of the carbon county A X commission company which amounts to about and continue the r same on a more extensive plan A number of very influential boosters of price and carbon county have ex t pressed a desire to become inte interested reste d in the new concern which points to A the establishment of the most modern up p to date store in eastern utah 4 i C so 11 harries 41 a r r i s everything in concrete work UTAH estimates Cell mates in walks and all ainna 0 of cheerfully fu ted modern machinery chinery fa and Mei ioda 1 W V 1 the incomparable P arable overland X N atto 4 ranj e A alad reft idoll 4 13 in aw arb erlanda odel 7 V IM vitera VI tErZ 11 1175 W W 00 S I 1 ur u r 1 2 stran 81 all dois king ri sr steam heat for er brildle buIl dle apply te to J IL Wan poon lue cf et the th arko rk light aad power plant 1 for ae aavo ate I 1 white hite house bar AND C S ne la in wine wines Ili wr ed bizam bol igenta bot for COORS I 1 GOLDEN BEEB BEER i PEACOCK au jl |