Show ours our spring ring opening 0 is here 11 kit ll that 1 ii w jn Milli shoal I 1 lii 2 ails millinery stoic jf j f we ly i c anul no are 11 aati 01 0 of r corti showing and talle lc sni arti I 1 I 1 0 ci el it as new y shapes ill sailors T te poke bonnets and shepherdess all new styles correct showing of of mr klinl ciul ORACE HATS PATS effect urill orth 1 I 1 I ut at 2 50 to this week bessie uessie kennedy kenned mil lilliw limp lou ran can ret a cooil good bli bidlle itle at Good goldmans mans at prices tint thit iro ire right lightf f 00 lit 4 its a LONG aul its a SHORT nay to our office and YOU enill il make ss s per mile by coming ovel and figuring with ith ui on that NEXT sack or so of FLOUR ILOUR or MILL STUFF will make jou ou smile KING ICING COAL is north sou our rhile i hile or clione 88 our blue dra draa 8 do it now nonn forwarding warding company compan Stock growers As and a nd farmers 5 store groceries and farm supplies we are now handling grain hay and flour in carload los PRICES JUST L INQUIRE I 1 0 PHON 90 wi G 1 OF M W aw m 1111 T M W adu on will M OFF safe A i ever y y is crowding 4 r ou to this BIS ILA SALE ALE store packed to capacity last saturday and nearly every day this s week those rhose who ho were here and bought bargains are today relating the good 0 6 o od fortunes to friends who nho will be here saturday or one day this next week as a result we lne expect the biggest four days business that we have had during this sale hundreds of dollars korthof adorth of spring and summer merchandise thrown out at tremendous surely NO MAN or WOMAN can AFFORD TO MISS this FOUR DAYS BIG BARGAIN EVENT supply your spring needs now at a SAVING OF 50 PER CENT or more don t fail to be on hand every day this month to stay away means a big loss to your pocket book be here SURE COME each day we are handing out extra BIG BARGAINS below arc are a few of the many mens paris garters garters at per pair linen collars csc collara Cullar rf at 9 ac mens dress shirts US ft 17 art nil all nov and up t o dato at each mens neckties MR ax of 33 cent tic ties at each mens men s suspenders ml XII our 50 at ratline 00 aids 1 ur or more of 0 natline that alvah sold at ace and coc a luril ard nou noil at yard childrens every day gay straw hats at AWs mens panama hats panamas at panamas at panamas at wool dress goods via mo lime lun quite nn an assortment of 0 this diem goods thit noil moll it at coc goc up to 1 0 00 0 yard rd now no rt nt yard dessalines Mes salines and tub S silks iks 1 acland it 1 as values anil and a good bit big assortment of ih liest colors now on male 1 at yard mens suits lit I 1 ilae das all 25 2500 00 and 1122 DO suits nt at 1345 boys knee pant suits bezeg ns c 6 to I 1 12 at ul 3 00 to 3 60 50 fulti at dress straw hats vz OFF PRICE ladies hose at ml of if our N litte and tan bluso all aci it ahw 4 class hill stil al ta per pair Chii childrens drens hose ae c ano quite a 0 big lino line of whit white anti tan tail SL home sale 1 irke no per pair ribbons IJ E cry i 3 ar I 1 of our all bone bona liv in thu the house COP coe at vz OFF PRICE i av leady dady D ady made veils all 1 2 ab S t at t I 1 t dress ginghams gin 9 hams 4 all of our out icy igo Told enold nowa now aa i ac yard A 1 ladies sn sm att line no of loo and 15 iso 0 o a at ac now 1 is the lie lime 10 aci toy busy in for ire ive MI wool be liere here own inam mon tho first rio ol 01 aam AI NEW VORK V av R K C A S H STORE S T C 3 R E THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE TIIE COUNTRY trade at the garden store try our flotie costs more blore than others bat but GOES TWICE AS FAR phone PRICE a UTAH f A YEAR DIVIDENDS CAN EASILY BE MADE this city and edings I dings will be used for backgrounds i in making pictures biggest in tho the world honey could not buy bur it support P port the home horne company sha sharo ro in the great profit profits 4 4 4 burneti ro repaired at goodmana Goodr Good mans nan a chali tt tr BLITE BAR B A R OLD BROOK f and the highest grale in liquor and line no CHAS AVERILL 1 u am LT ArfA MOTION PICTURES greatest bladl 1 nees ness on earth far r maltone money LET youn MONCY 1 I alny anino YOU 19 1 A GOOD LIVING A few shares left to for eale sale in rhet will tie e one of the biggest companies comp antes 1 1 in tho the country tut for fult full bilm mining exchange bait lake city utah f M ta |