Show M beadily Is to L it ot olias ina mw uta util ismul popular doting man m muc I 1 I 1 lie atour 4 ahr he ile hult of ot quarrel at huplits IU to alt laef aa M t ti 7 IS 15 tuelda night matthew t h u v larj ile alei 20 10 bearn of age was aa ac I 1 to death I 1 hh his halt birther arthur brown aged 15 yearn there were mere two e ce c 11 to the a oung pit t halt brother martin montgomery Il roIl and willord smith oldies aon son of air and mr mra if 11 C smith mith who at the tho r boron 0 ro I 1 cr er s inquest wednesday night test ithell that tho the accident occurred so suddenly that tilt r arcely d that oune bradet ila had aten hurt in all an aa na and that tho the first they had vt of hie his inbur uan when hen thea the aw aw a laird lari quantity ol 01 blood coming out of ida imers log if or atri nna ll radle a three eon sons matthew arthur and martin montgomery gom gomery r have been ba ching in the rear nf of the haylo shop during tho the trio mother theer al 1 teave in nevada neada where here ehe she went everal ago trouble betheen act arn the t no boy boys I 1 matt and arthur wat of 0 fra frequent quent occurrence and I 1 ir f leat 1 by thoo thome tho o in a position to enaw thai that a arcely a day pawed passed without a a heated controversy contro verry and very often an exchange f lt alawi s ctet da night matt tal I 1 came in III lator the younger bo arthur had coolter his ht on supper and according to oung smith who had already eaten in A Jc ocular ular manner said he gummed he would rat hat hie his brother had prepared for himself and mashed a plato plate and set it en cn tho table arth arthur ur armed kith L t long narrow bladed butcher knife ebarp pointed aahl with a cry keen ecsy and t 4 aured to coni cogent ent to allow malt to take the food he had cooked in attempting attempt lne to grab the hand in aich the knife A as held I 1 matt fait v as severely verely ee cut on the left forearm but eded in getting a hold on both of Arth arthur arms and forcing them do don n nw aid at it it iam then that the wound aka ai t inide m that nine noun houra at cauree the death of tho the older bo 10 the knife entered the left groin 1 car WOO re trine the th main artery of the acs ics lei wood ruphes from the aund abound ih III a email stream and so in fantl weakened tho the antim of the cutting that tho the ouner hoy boy had no jn in dran trig anay from hie his graap and striking him it light blow in the face knocked him down on the floor alree tl rec dot dottor tort chu m berial it fink fisk and So soreven Sor enen nere cummo summoned ned and anti berthing eer cr thing possible por 11 sible as dono done to gave the 3 soung oung man is e life and for a time it berned that the efforts of tho the phal itam were tu to ho be but the tin n amo amu nt it of blood 11 beff the te bertil ter ertil til artely could tad ti bound together proved too PO great a it etrain strain on the buy boy a lt alti and ho he panned p peacefully peaceful ace ful 1 y aa ana at 4 ts 45 cc calk lk mo morning puring during the greater reater tr part of the night N h was at intervals Inte nala conscious and talked to those who ho watched around him bedriye he lie brinde no complaint against the hand of fate in no way hie tile half brother for the act and made no dang statement to ards the end while in a halt half con aldom condition he thought him 1 mother wae mas present and attempted to ensko her in con A edn eLday night a toro coroner ners jury J it Wil dItton presiding justice completely aerated oung brown for the killing of hia his half hall brother the jurors were flanley 1 ballinger george nixon and lecoff tausett itne wex examined wen vers artler alron the if f tt t s I 1 wilford smith and martin cry 1 iran rown n all if of the A t I 1 lt 11 it fora forward ard mory ar to the events leaf lead i n u up p to the fj unel and agre I 1 eulth cath each other in the minutest det details alls arthur drown elated that he did not know what him to seize elze the butcher knife but that ho he was angered by hie halt brother brothers f actions and took hotd of the fir first it thine thing he could la his hanoon han 0 lie ile waa as shaken with nith grief oar the occident ani after sifter the of the juo would have complete collapsed but for the assist an e of friend friends wednesday afternoon the mother It va lias located by telegram ram at eiko elko biada avada ci ada and elrd to have the bod ent sent to bait salt lake for burial her mater mrs E garnett in price Wednes wednesday dar night and took charge of the remain remains italina with them 3 everdy et eat erdy erdaY afternoon matthew Matth tic bradley wila bon barl tn in aalt PAR lake k at ati october 0 c tober 17 1394 and wi a therefore 2 20 0 care carts 6 months it anil it J 7 s dao old at the time in of or hie his death lie came me r alth hi his in mother ther to pa arico about b t t tu eam ca affo to antl haa has since attend attended it the carbon etu et count u n t high hoot where ho he as one 0 f the most popular mont berm of u thu the 0 student bo boly 1 ho lie walk wn nn an unusually capable oune young man his leaning in hid hia b h toward the liter literak ar and anti in fit he undoubtedly hate hac made a marked in the neur paper f ad aich wa mas hia his ambition in life lie ito vass foremost ore moet in starting tInK the carbon the local high and anti during was uns fix it editor ilia iila loii in fit the community and w to specially pec llly ally at the chool in if felt kerrill and the entire student body and fat fa ulta out of kupect to hie his menor gather I at the depot after noon when hen h the tile ri muna u pre ro shipped to salt bait lake burial III occur at salt adf I vit this his afternoon after noo |