Show TO ticul ri it th chills ip state McI offic e halt fait ako lake I cit itah february 17 1916 no tire tico is I 1 streby gi riven gien en that samuel lwis lowis otiose poat addred la in frier price ut utah a h ham made application in accordance alth nith tho the requirements of tho the compiled I aw of utah 1907 an amended by the laws of altah 1909 anil and 1911 to appropriate two twit and fight hundredths 2 23 2 atilo cubic feet of water per M biond from front soldier creek barbon county utah kald said latr ater wilt will bo be diverted dhert et ata at point aih lies lie sis fret feet south and 12 feet writ of the northeast corner of section 26 tp it bouth south it fackt kelt felt lake base and meridian and conveyed by mean means of it a biti h for or a dibtan dif tani e lot of feet and there used from march farch I 1 to october 1 XI I include of ach each y yar far to irritate neres nerm of land la ml in the coat cast half of section 28 26 twp 11 14 berth houth flange it 11 fast past halt hat lake base and meridian an much of aid vald water an as may he beress nary will be used during the entire year for do mentle nes thin up to is deena td wl in the otate nolner etla office as a no 1000 protests against the granting of aid said appi leation stating tho the reasons thre for must be made male by affidavit in duplicate accompanied by a fee fe of 60 10 an ans I 1 filed in this office within hirty tao 30 dak daa utter after me complo completion tion of the publication of thi this notice W 1 D CS stale state I 1 date of first m february 24 idar jat of comp completion lation of dubli cariou march 29 |