Show appropriate NS athin BY 01 lt ITIL it 01 04 tit s ITS itan no couth tl rallon I 1 rum the lie hilife ml II sit if hills hilleck lmh a JJ 1114 III otte athly tile til ion tot countley count lem lit of tile slut tut AP A 0 P will receive nothing tram from tho th appropriation I 1 1111 III aa thadd ly by thit th bornor eor arnor nor itral wor worn nong tim the firt to roe reetho ahe tho the full bon tilt iu of nf thi th pruning kalf As it ir result aull matern rec elven not s n ne for roid work ork 1 ivory one oc itelia benatti 1 ishm lills tho th louto loute of oth mothr r A roul roid appropriations monda the governor reduced taft th appropriations made b thu recent I 1 y 0 in addition to too thie thin anio amount which va un deducted by the iho ebalo 1 vetoing of at bills tho goer governor nor made a us tentative having of tho the general appropriation till 1111 to the efti nt oc of about lie lent fent through with tho th budget baig t yet anil and it im 1 expected th thu tt on m the cecone time over big appropriation privation pria tion atlon bill ho he will trim it another all aal road and bridga bridge ampro tele niacin them included a largo large number of miscellaneous pork barrel appropriations for or mcall and unimportant roade roads and a few merl toi codou loiis 4 hotd appropriation among t ie le latter appropriation appropriations which were hied ith the had iad one ones an appropriation of 52 for the improvement pro of the grand canyon yet lon loil otone park hichwa hg hig hwa an nit appropriation of for tho the of a OL road through tooele thoele county to tho nevada imp line and nn an appropriation ot or 26 to open tho the uintah basin countr oilier other V in addition to tho the mad road and appropriation appropriations tho the allt of the dead Inc incleden luden tho the appropriation of for the tile indian war veteran tor for tho the publicity bureaus of tho the salt lake commercial club and the weber dull 1300 for the trip of the orden t choir to tho the calif Call ainia air for tho he of tho t nub 1 tanca anti for thu demonstration work of the utah agri cultural collie tit the alfo also included four bellm for the ot of governing the handling of county funds fund the city intersection bill the bill to pa pal for the defending of impecunious per sons the torrens land registration bill and the bill for the extension exten clon of pay for mrs of itata late ande lands in all the governor vetoed thirty ano cs bill bills i and signed ele ned nineteen leavi leaving nir to be dit disposed posed nf of only eleven bill on which he had until midnight to act important among tho the bills signed Is the general revenue and anti taxation anwa nelch limits the tax levies which may be ampo etl hv board boards thie this bill it ie is bellva win III haxe hae the effect of ameril ieng it ng all property nt its it ual alue 11 amur 1 following are bills monda bj h the governor an ct 4 giving the irate lank pom com over loan arid anti guaranty Rua companies an act to provide for the voluntary withdrawal of corporation doing hurl bur liters nere within the state an nd act imposing a penalty p nalty on foreign corporation for falling failing to corn com pl with the liw of utah before to eo lar til within thial the otate lin n ait act limiting the tax lelm an art act fixing tho tile time for report tC of Z ai f r lol hoot an act inc rearing the of deml el of tho the state board of duka tion from five to nine an act not permitting city ity to ret aalde a fund for the maintenance of and anti pla grounds an act appropriating each O 0 of f the widow of the victims of lopez man hunt n act tiling the standard of eighth and measure measurer an act defining the jurisdiction at city justices of the peau an net act appropriating annually for the children a aid of og den an art act re reciting arix an additional lux 1 tile tl of the tl peace for cities of the first dim own an act aal lopi lating 1250 for ahw M ertha of ogden an act requiring a bond fi from conj trading itami compan companies its an act Im Impo Poring eing a it liven license tax on oil trading tamp clamp comp enles an act rev reviling it ing the codo coda of criminal procedure in criminal redone actions an ait at r attorneys to designate tho the in which legal ahall appear an art at creating and drainage districts the nen non queen of tho the dairy world ir fr again a Gut buein inAcy tey 3 cowan has ha jurt complete completed her tier yearly record and has surp surnamed amed all previous record records ever for lutter production she produced pounds fit pf butter fat which in Is equivalent to 1291 pound pounds of or butter in one car ear the record waa as held hold by maj nilma rilma Guern guerner mr produced abr air butter butten there waa was a email small meeting of t tax 8 at the town hull ball lut last vondah night and a committee appo app ted tea to wait walt on the county stam emor wad ad that amenta wm mentis enta on lr arop f ert erti be reduced I 1 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