Show on your broken guns we jve cabi can repair them at cloo dmares shop tf if cold Is dangerous U vp up fow now I 1 A cold ta Is readily catchi catching nj 1 down town ay my item tein Is 1 susceptible A arz you owe ote it to ou relf and to ct r 1 of 3 sour our household house hoid to fight the bolit hai at once dr belle pina tir tar afis Is tine fine for or colda and coughi it in ena ens te tte mucous 6 atop stops the coads boothes the lungs it 0 44 only ac at your druggist guar let 1 subscribe for or the advocate tart tf rt H t M fr fr 1 i to every person in price we would like to lo demona thol C are me BEST sold by 14 hers 4 AM 4 1 R with every pair of selz shoes R E goes an ironclad iron clad guarantee ajr M a guarantee that means what it says if either of your pair of T ae D shoes proves defective in any M way if it rips cracks or does B not wear satisfactorily bring it 4 p E back a and 4 d we give you a new J pair this costs us nothing as R the company stands behind us A t 0 I 1 I 1 in in our guarantee gua 4 4 kik K i K 4 H H 1 I M prices from to tc 1 5 4 44 4 4 price trading company P i I 1 hi 1111 II t M tm n ai l M v l i H i fr 4 H H mw E OS ja JE sly J new crop strictly reliable tested seeds the best that money can buy STOCK GARDEN FIELD and GRASS SEEDS sf EDS just receded a large shipment of SUDAN GRASS SEED the lite new drouth misting Rt crass grass said to be the greatest grass croft groan gro an n in america An jerica this thib seed was froym at altitude of feet fut oft ing to fortunate purchase we are able to quote you a price of 0 pu ib 5 ibs lbs for fully described in our new seed Calalo Cala ligue zae which vill ill bs be FREE ON application the ri aci nci function seed seca co corner fourth and main streets grand junction colorado X A F 0 R D I 1 PUT A J RAYFIELD K AY P IEL yi I 1 carburetor on your ford car t I 1 and feel it jump when you open the throttle 0 t 4 A I 1 I 1 more economy ece biomy easier J J I 1 A price auto a pa 0 1 i phon 4 |