Show r W r hk TO MLA S 10 IH 1 N III C flu 1 4 makl slimp and lamb it llo ii dipti s ir tr ilaha fannif 14 4 ISM SH mt r M N and I 1 97 amias ak my marh march 19 1 the of fit the cattle market U from weakness to strength th haq held rood good to the eid end of the Pro indicate a good market next mel w inkeri i IK kern ahme net not had an tin kat to idy uy thie this week and it alic week eek malli frothing en thing hilled ii lit ao ant 1 with law meat most in t th 1 ar r yola than a it week eek ago the pill thia week hue ham been IMI two the in hak in the ans regate arnd ix x titine iv tight light ime Tu tuluda ouda liberal dern for uhl ohi ment kat last helped the market atin doorlay iday orlay when 3 36 w wis tx imi t nr hit lim nathe at ter era top for tho ih uk u k mot of me ine native natives cell pell wt en and 8 and f fed ki desterno Wet ernp fram northern or thern colorado brought 7 26 t 7 7 70 here thin week hay bay fel fed botein Po ct tein ein feeders feci lero TIB to earline and twos from the 6 90 to 7 75 76 quarantine cake fed at era u 1 75 to 7 7 10 it light weight quarantine including name loridans lowi dans and alkanet Al kanea rattle B 76 t 8 6 ab moet most of the bulle bulto offery offero iod tl I 1 r rought u gilt 6 60 to 6 00 veal voul calve calves up t 10 50 commission Cum mlton men ure tire to all 1 ling 1 their customers that the present M week rek will probably brov rev to be the 1 I w point int of th ih market lor for present end that fel fed entile little will bo be on a much higher loel or of prices b the first of may how are around 20 0 eenon lower louer tor for tho the week meek with a drone to civo cont hecei ry today were boniv today und and ader imia 1 0 80 for tl beet beat hore hogs bulk of bilea pal rangi ranelle from 6 65 S to 6 9 75 76 packer packers staying 1 up to ab t vilim liberal supplies materialize materi alise next week the market will lie be bronjer fron jer as killers hf ht a expended exit tided much war bd ar this neck eek without an large supply of it BI got to I 1 lack k 4 up local loi jackere hit hae P chipped in hop hogs during the neck neek from omaha sioux city and st paul for tr in the plants here including 2000 head that arrived to ili il i sheep and lamb lambo are lower since buway bet but receipts hae ln ery ert light and na 1 took ik for tetter littlee week cp ae as there hi Is only a mo moderate drat run ih h eight sigh I 1 only en loaff tempt I 1 ar which oll about 10 brits erita tf 01 dt ardor baytr aitt waw ager |