Show ARBON ik T R RESOURCES kill T c valuable information contained in state d statistician s biennial report finest climate in utah high in in education sheep industry is enormous through a Mi b carl it mar far ia carbon collady nty Is all depre aad led in I report of 11 alain of the tile state nire breau or of immigration labor and at eti bics mies tics it Is 1 in pirt part as fu follow llo the eoll il of 0 carbon county in is a handy ily it Is alkaline in reaction but not of high percentage tuge o to bf be ff t any ny great it lenda lends loelf readily to the of fruit and garden products pro duna all ads ol 01 train grain cereals 1 and hay cin be b gred in the districts uhre terla itan M Is 1 1 the climate ia 1 ideal there am arin mily day dap in price than in an other town ton of the state tho the are aarm a and tho the winters fair 11 old the maximum and minimum temp matures arc are similar to those at wellington nearby the data of 0 which appears in the climatological tables published in his report the county with school located at price hit ani i car rk arted 4 on oil experiment i to determine ell conditions tince ma mal zi 21 1914 1014 tint but the ali complete com record la Is not act aval available lable during tho 1 ear par 1914 there were ere 53 lalni daam da at price and 5 52 at the mining town tonn of tho cub ruh fuel tom Lom pori pari which his ilia 17 lallee miles southeast ot of price arom thia this it can be r n that there 1 is 14 4 an abundance of runny dan da in this pirt purt of bf boi count the elevation ot of price ie Is foet ct a at t t the be court houm the rainfall a enges from rom 10 to 12 inches for the entire eair this would be tw enough it t proad prop rl consented cons conse ened ried to permit of 0 dry farming tannins as carried on in laah in ultimate earn the natural re resources F burces of carbon county are unlimited and are juat just be to be d coul voul of tho the hard bituminous kind li im found in fit and thare fire arso depo deposits Fits of ela asphalt and some plight traces of petroleum the coal AMPA CIes orating op in the he count counts proceed duriac the bear ear 14 1914 nearly three million tons or of coal aich fig urta at the average price of 1 91 1 per ton would 57 this waa as a decrease dec rao compared with 13 of a general det rm armlon don la a busl item und and the of the tariff toi on canadian and australian 1 that reach the pacific coast durin the icar ear 1913 viere were pro betki in carbon county ton d t athe allu valued at of this ihunt amount or to thirds waa aaa shipped out of the tate in tigard it gird to to gezing fruit ral raiding ming etc there are excellent opportunities in carbon county thee the e industries are let et in their infant thero there arc tire at present about 25 21 acres of farm land under cultivation acre acres lire are d belated otcel t gra grazing zilig purposes and COO aarem of fruit lani land the auliac aalI ac land for farming Is as follow a r the price 1 niter river canal 2 2 4 0 0 stert g it n ter the price water company co can canal tj IZ and unika the spring olen canil ISOO 1100 1 he value of or irrigated 1 land runs from to per acre over 1500 1400 acres 4 are let available tor for fruit orchards and garden product products there are in carbon county or head heal of sheep during the scar I 1 car 1914 four carloads carloa of ool were shipp shipped etl from price alone figured at the average price of 15 centa cents a pound this mould amount to 3 18 1 95 Se several eril carloads car loade of lamb lambs aro are chipped ann annual ivill to eastern mar keti the fruits ralfred in this count are of superior color and duall iu all during the car 1914 19 over twenty carloads carloa is of fruit acro cro handled throughout county these of applier pears plums tm ch cherrier errien an and peacher the loner part of I 1 rice irice canon cam on between beti een and castle C sate gate Is 14 an ideal for or peach rat hallm finx it Is 1 a place v berki the cr er neer falls fails no matter how hovy hard tho the early spring frosts set get idere fruit crops arc are a certain A stiff breeze 1101 hows down don the canyon every night and driba nay whatever wha teNer frost there happens to tonic during th night carbon county rank high in edica lional facilities it I Is ii i among the firt in panic p I 1 ing to ita its teacher teachers tho the adago paid to the male teaching teach re in fit the district chooh im for the lear 1911 nas pet month that paid 2 id to fent aemile ile tea ohr 70 the tile alari tB bald the high school teachers teach erts ranges from to 1600 per ear most of the tile school buildings aro mod ern and thoroughly lj up to date in lichtine ligh tIne heating and ventilation entila tion the itu dents aro are furni furnished phed with tree free text books and the equipment in 1 adequate ade quatt and first claim clam there ie Is A st high chii hoot ul at arite and a branch high school at scott ad the high school building at price la 18 the ery cry h ht ha A in th tho state for ita and Is not sui passed pissed ba any in abo th intermountain Inter tin regin |