Show jl to ri it lag S staurt t t 0 I 1 ngin 1 et re offit 1 e 1 halt salt ike ih I 1 tali february 3 10 0 1115 1915 PO u tier tire in hereby given that it it its M bonald donald and fred 4 f watrous wha fice aar adr Is 1 im price utah have made application in accordance with the requirements mant oc of hie the litho of utah 1907 ax a ani ended by the lana ot altah 1902 and 19 tl to five hundred 1600 00 acre fet feet f water from front N how brlek cr lt laatch wasatch Va atch county itah scald wat ater r will he torl stored from january I 1 to december 21 31 tn luh of faeh year in a reiter voir embra ctol 1 in abo barter of section 27 21 twp tap tt it bouth 10 halt 10 base ba arsa merld lars from where tt it will wilt ye release I at a polut chieh lies ft feet noru and 2001 6 ft wt oi of the th torner ot 0 atlon 34 twp it 11 south itara 10 v ant ani 1 00 n if by 4 of fit diesh for a distance dista nf of ot feet d there used from april I 1 to depte sp ol 01 b SS incle sate ri tit t mch each year to ia setto of land thib rAted 3 Reet bellow eel low ions z and 3 tw twp to 12 youth south 19 10 1 I at ast bult salt rake fm and merld rorlan lass th taij W 1 ax applit application atton is designated in the ate tat 1 0 ena li mr office as a no all ts finist the ih granting of ofa aad akpik application aaion stating aliff Ul iff the b U niad made bj b in duplicate a worn pa died L b a fa and thin coffiee with withey I 1 ai i after th 0 of f the publication of this abi natie wr W f D BEERS state engnar 0 14 i date of 12 1915 dale date or at of pat rAtion remit 23 22 ISIS I 1 IS |