Show 4 1 X 14 17 ix 4 j dr ar M 14 JL V V M MALONEY O 0 L A th ramie P JL a i e I 1 1 e D t i 0 s t M 1 4 0 0 H 4 0 0 4 ar e 4 M S A i S t ve 10 4 t 9 K 4 A t frfd timm 44 tt t A r wa 01 44 4 4 4 4 ma fr va 44 4 6 pa 44 4 1 fr 4 44 t i t i M fr 4 4 M 4 fra ae t 4 4 0 fr M 4 K fr t 04 ar commencing march por for 30 days only dr maloney will do your dental vork work at the following low prices within the reach of all I 1 i gold crowns 22 1 all bridgework 9 U 5 gold fillings 10 up silver fillings Filli rigs up full set of teeth 1000 cleaning extraction PREE FREE when teeth arc are replaced dr maloney positively extracts teeth without pain to the patient no 9 gas as or other harmful drug given you need not dread extraction as you have formerly done 4 K 4 ik K 1 K l t H H t KM l fr written guarantee Qua Oua rantee with all work make appointments I 1 examinations and you with the doctor has been in actual are not dealand a stranger as practice in carbon early as the time county for the past 7 years never before has first class dental work been done J ESTIMATES J is limited at such LOW PRICES in this locality thousands of satisfied patients in eastern utah 30 DAYS ONLY OND all work done in a painless ind and up to date manner dont neglect this opportunity IP R E E mth ts t S X 4 SH S H permanently LOCATED IN K H t 8 i hl NEW and SANITARY OFFICE OHICE BUI NG 1 and 2 OPEN EVENINGS M V wv ws HARS LARS FRANDSEN manufacturer of brick of all kinds yards adjoining the denver ana and rio orande grande railroad corn com 11 pany on the three blocks 11 east of depot office at home i C corner orner main and sixth streets i cattai tes aice anil anit price i quoted on application i r 0 OS 92 phone tax miar micr the ufa j saloon j a i aber silliest Il liest lu fit liali WINES AND CIG ats lla AND 11 to A ON TAP autu NIN til stair mice riller 7 mo a dellier the goods sheep ranch saloon onson manager WINES LIQUORS BEERS and CIGARS LOT MR sall SALU lot feet for ale sale jutt just east of ir building on nn maln street treet fl special bargain if taken at once terms inquire ot 01 0 D papa papas 70 commercial street bt S t lake city for the Uni ato pounds irime prime lam loos nry 1 up alp to so 7 75 all weigh I 1 tau 0 we es 7 y i r s i subscribe for the keep it handy irandy for no use to squirm and wince and try to wear near out I 1 sour our rheumatism it will wear sou out instead apply A p P 1 y some il 0 m 0 sloans liniment need no not t ru rub b 1 it t in just let it penetrate ell all through the affected p parta ar ts r e lieve the eo r renese ne and an d draw the t h e pain p al n you get ease at once and fed s so 0 much better ou want to go right out at once and tell other sufferers euf ferera about abou t floana a n fi get a bottle ot of sloane liniment L enslo e n t for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds ida acre sore and swollen joints lumbago sciatica and like ailments your money back if not oAt WIed but it does give almost instant relief buy bottle today T model four room it lionso 0 uso mrs winifred callahan no seventh street iff 1 tf rubber stamps of every description eold sold by the advocate your coll wit la Is break A 4 via ta Is readily cat ahli A 1211 down s bedein atean Is 1 tu to tern you owa owe it tu fou self ar 4 1 to ithe oc of sur household tj ti fight the th bem at once dr bell a pine tar is fine for colds and coughs it loo ena ens the mucous stops the c cough soothes the lungs it ite a guaranteed guaran tetH teeL only csc at your druggist drug gitt aart 10 t AFTER R ALL t wa a J r j ithe the old reliable J L 1 V el 11 et o able i or A s I 1 4 airm firm T j 4 p t t Is headquarters for lumber lu m bero j and al n building ci materials Mate riall S i Y 4 when you order from us you get a d east what you want when you want it ae v f 4 A X A ID jr t 1 0 3 ov J K 10 J C weeter beef ler lumb aa 0 L lj p 1 1441 t 4 |