Show BOND fl I 1 n lov N NOTICE OTICE OF C boo bon county altah L U h notice in 1 chereb liven give it that a 11 election han ham been orol ered 1 and will be held in n and for or carbon t bounty et utah anti in the leeral voting thereof on monday april 12 A 1 I ISIS 11 if as pro vided b law tor for the th of vot ing in th the irum rum of thirty on one Thai saro 1 31 00 00 dollar dollars fur for arrom r empl ting improving and rf tl highways my of 0 car ear be bm C T ii 1 and all the precincts i amy AMOY V inter quirt terso t I 1 scofield t no 1 aj late lt precinct Prec teci no 3 nr ger N I 1 prine spring otea ilea irs r it M S iri e precinct no 4 Pro cirs t I 7 wellington i ft S 11 Hunny side precinct no 9 ifer takk I 1 rt 4 k t no 10 keall worth I 1 n no tl it it is black mack bk ire tire vit JS I 1 tl I 1 ait RA llla wath mk 4 13 12 1 mt it lite atha IL 11 no if IS horn ia arft teet fact no U 14 ami and tar ar boft bak ire tire no 15 ahi I 1 ads shall I 1 ear interest at thill ret rat r not to exceed 5 per tent ent paw W an m payable senti aed and mid i nd ball Ile cernis df dot anil and it the expiration of to 19 arn earn frrtz th date of the UMU issue thereof rth to th eption rever veol te to barbon anty t par or the th enie at a aar ny time afar the th expiration wf of 10 years after tho th date of 0 the I 1 there tre of only a h qualified dituri elL Ii turi an a hall h hive e pa ld a properly property tux tax in aai car bon county in the year next preceding euch uh election be b entitled to ot ote khrt iolla polls if to open and remain open from 7 00 cp elc icci a it m to 7 00 co clock p m of aid de of abill 1916 1915 at election tien the form of belbot be hot hatt shall be in ai follia fol luus to wit ON D Is FA 1 no the place of all qualified voters oter jt rit aid carbon county utah residing reel dInK athin winter quarters Qu artera pre no I 1 shall be at the L D 8 meeter Mee tir bouw houw within alad winter quarters precinct no I 1 I 1 the place of alt tilt qualified j voter voters of aid said carbon county utah residing within scofield precinct Z no 10 2 shall be at tho the town ton araji within aid said scofield precinct 11 no 2 the toting place of all qualified fleo voters of paid carbon county utah residing within castle cat gate precinct no 3 hall im 1 at the K X of 11 I 1 hall within the ald said castle gati precinct no 3 the voting place of all qualified voters ol 01 aid paid carbon count altah residing within helper precinct no 1 4 ishall be at the town hall within the aall tall helper precinct no 0 o 4 the place of all qualified aters of mild carbon county utah residing within althin spring gin lien no 6 5 hall shall be at the 1 I 1 8 mating alouse within twid wald spring glen aten lre cicitt no I 1 6 the eting place 0 t 11 fled vote 0 of saki hi carbon county utah rt within prim P net no 6 hair shall be at the city atall 1 within ad wild no the 1 abing violl nit of all qualified fled voter voters or of raid carbon bounty utah residing within blarr precinct no 7 hall bo at F C 1 lee a residence in aid mid harper precinct no 7 the place ot of all ltd voter rotors of aid said cart carbon carton on debility atall aorl ve within n wellington precinct no a ehatt shall be at th the L 1 I 1 D souse athin thin said wellington precinct no I 1 the otan doting place of all ait voter term of bald carbon county utah its tiding within precinct IVO no 9 hall be at the amusement ial within the frad se no Is the voting place of a 11 II qualified voter oc of raid paid carbon county utah reel ng rig within clear ark 1 precinct ireal 0 o 0 hall be at the old adlow atel if in ta mid clear Pre tnt alnet no xo to I 1 the voting place of A all qualified voters of or said carben carbon connar col fintY utah reaming within kenilworth precinct Pre elnet 0 0 11 ll hall shall lie be li e at the auditorium to in said kenilworth kentl worth precinct no 0 o 11 the voting pac place 0 of ill it I 1 etem of ahl said carbon countr ulab breading within Carbon vill Prel Proc inot nt 0 no o I 1 12 Z all t b at the 41 lf in raid wd Carlion villo precinct no ne 12 tt place of all i atrz of ed said county utah rid ax n within black mock brawk so ij diall top be at black flack hous mill mack hawk 6 t TI tro phe iskes or of all qa nirid oart of eld said carbon utah milk riding within rt pr pro int in t u no IX 13 sah b be at tb the tow town hail hall in maid baat must hiawatha no 0 o 11 the th pt aka oc 11 sit II qualified 1 term ot of mw carbon utah retailing wet we pro ir so no IX 5 ban be at office 1 id aak wet II Iamatha Prec tact no I 1 22 3 the ftfe ajla ta 41 all qualify qu aliff tra tots of rm embon e altah rt reid ettine tine dinc marrs no shall tx I 1 at tac the 1 I 1 1 within the tt wm majol pro so th bodag philow of f a u owa ft r t said carbon cohew vieh riding r iding within carn Pree inet is I 1 hall lie at th tit ato afire said carten carbon vo 16 daled do at prim caran cownty altah IL uh thu w d dar C march marsh ISIS hr et f the IMAM of ot cownty of f carbon canty bulata visit by J IL 8 1 chah maw jattan aftem huntr IL homski clasil or C ark wil ewt pub marh darth I 1 leftt ar Z 2 IS |