Show la I 1 u of wo n altor in I 1 il lice c e sunda surn altus jila jda of of orand junei tin tl n in biting i in price rhe prie cit on lustra aano R dance at cartle oate Sa saturday night I 1 mma mattics came don down it from bill lit I 1 it like h e tact last I 1 rida e evening enang on bostil OWL no sun that the snow ie Is about gme ay the oo ot of ire re busy ifan ang ln up their yard yards sam draper came up from green iziver the dirst of the week weh for a 4 alburt with joe llene aront tin on the rater water wagon the fit flint itt of the week weak and xi act i to iemann tin re all summer mr ant airs lenter ecklund camol through price sunday en route fro castle mie 11 1 1 to the where they y expect to make their hometh jack jamee james and wife and ernat james and nd wife departed depArt td sunday sunda for salt sit laete la mr sir janits left salt lalu lake for 1 long beach cal here hers he to arr seer 1 month in lit the hope of benefiting his hi health ernest accompanied him to to the toast alliff 1 11 IS heina akel asked by vi iun negro whytt hat the game of poker wae was uncle cratl a lone long sigh li act am to the and replied poker tah ua poker am played with ith ards 0 ito o deal out five it yo don ion t ilk like what yu pet get yo fro frow cm em away and git doorne mo m ien 3 0 it tile Is kiber kitter dat 0 o hax bait three aces in aco 0 o hand fiend an our heart jampo tight into our month A I 0 hae has go got t S 10 1 in n yo pocket an 0 o koer leasly 0 asame lat dat 0 o will bet it on 0 o han do odder hawty goes a 0 o an nn gofa sou 10 better 0 to o put up 3 natch atch 0 o dimun pin 0 o dawg yo mewl an yo wheel barrer lie met yo till dar am buffin me to put up an den yo call his hand hanl in start art to rake in lit de I 1 ot A dat a vl vii de sagacity of if de coonts in three acee aces orter rake in de liot pot but lie happens to har haiie to kings an 0 o don t rak rake yo am dun cleaned out knocked down ment to de do po hou houe to an if it yo 11 fur a him han dred eare earn yo will git oi or or it poker call tali poker not ot any fur me tf if I 1 had my life to lib over oer again 1 I 1 faight might jaikle tak ie idona red hot stoves p an mad ilag dag but yo ikin kin jet gamble lat dat ile do pom pomposity posit eit ob de dt would elucidate dis dl individual to perambulate de do gains ob poker |