Show mill ninio iu 1 in S lit lake city last lat hun hunt 11 ty L 11 and mir ann anna L sh irp tri were united in b by ho P A simpkin the toom 14 the bon u of mr i V president of the ural national bank of I price irice rice and the tile bride th ill daughter of count com i R I 1 sharp after the th coppit left on oil their hone hono moon which acy they will spend nt at sin diero diego and ban francisco franc laco and ther I 1 of interest on oil the coat none but the famil families iet of the can eon tr acting partes wen nort present the youn couple arem the of some veo very costly 1 heading the list was aa a be dutiful homo home tn in salt lake aher hert they ailt make istir re albence the gift girt if tf the grooms father immediately after li return from Cill fornia mr will take vike a position lott with the altah state rational national lank ank I 1 ills training along thia this line has I 1 en een thorough commencing in his fathers lank in price irice I rice his vork ork attracted the it of the gocan ment I 1 ank lank inspection department and he w nix w ten derd td tha the po pol llon of as inspector Int which lie has filled tor for the past ea A 1 lie ie im 1 niso also a former iric and both par tics tic art graduates from the tile carton carlon counte tc linol N I 1 if ig bundle oc of old ritu papers for 25 tents cents at the diante reward the reader readers of tl ij paper ill be tle please as I 1 to I 1 arn th t it cr is a at least one dreaded 0 ill thit it I 1 1 I 1 eon able to curp in nil lia its 1 and that ti Is catarrh hall a catarrh lun cult li Is tin the 1 cure now lam n to the lie raltie r lat irah being biln a constitutional abie e a constitute nal treat reent hall talk a ca catanh t ar h cure li 14 tal en internally ter nally alting directly upon lie blood and d muus ou au rt aces ot of the s will thereby dease drase the found ot of the disease a ml A r ins ing tho patient strength th by building up ft tl V e constitution an ani I 1 azil rtin aln nature in dolnar doing it i oric ra lh tic proprietors ha hae 0 fo ro much tw ail i in 10 11 0 pow era ers that th they thy y offer on hundred 1 11 dred IO dollari Ilard for any that ft it f falie in to cure sad send tor hat list cf of test I 1 rai Is addre address F J I 1 L A CO toledo omo sa s1 soil I 1 by rill dalig lt ti 71 1 take hall a camuy rin pilli j fur for constipation |