Show SOTt fl 10 II 11 engineers offie suit salt lake lako cit cia itah a march I 1 it 1915 notice is hereby ghen tint thit van II 11 do ater hoi hoe tice 4 if it bait lake alt I 1 tali tuh has ninilo mado application according to ti tho the requirement requirements of tho th Comp laws las of utah 1907 an bj b the session latt lai ot of butth 1909 and 1911 to eight eon hundredths IS 18 of ft a bubla foot of water ater per second from en an unnamed spring in carbon counti count utah said earing issues at a point aich bears south 77 degrees dun res 49 minute minutes neat TSP 3 feet of tho the south quarter torner of section 3 tp 15 auth range S t palt salt lako baso base and meridian the water will bo be nt at the spring and ro need b means of a pipe line for a distance of 10 feet nd and thare used from Januar 3 I 1 tu to december D 31 of cuch each far car for steam calming 11 thie this application la tit dIgna ted tn in the state engineer engineers a office as no at protests pro tente tho the granting grai ting of said application stating tho the reasons mull must bo be ni ide by affidavit lu iti duplec tte ac companie 4 i a fee of 2 50 and in thia this falc within 1 30 daie after the completion of tho the publication of thia this notice IV t D BUD IU 19 bbate engineer dato date of oc tirra publication march 1 19 1916 date of completion of nf publication april 19 1915 |