Show A R 51 ahr 0 IT INI I 1 brij US its I 1 M rift ht IT 1 it niall olic ble hulln I ami cien atre at re owl and prin ff tell malc good tohild voe V it aci I 1 mon lon arr john T bant superintendent of the th lehl ishi sugar factory fai tury and james lala field field superintendent spent mond tu tim 0 k day 1 ed v 1 and thursday of 0 this celt eek up contracts with ith tho the farmers fu of price ard spring oln glen for the raining raising oc of burer beets alt all farinela fari nera ulio ali petitioned to ralie bt ignets contracts contract i and anti in mati mail 11 increased the acreage oer that petitioned for in lit addition to those who petitioned were some fieten other others who signed cn contract tract boon la is a list of the far farmers who will ivill raise beets together with the number of acres each aill plant price Y Nag itani 20 J 0 calliva 1 Y 7 T I 1 a mono 2 ian it an mathis 2 C S 8 harris 3 john jeneen jensen 4 beren olson 2 an eirew oman 3 It laurenco law renco wrence D pace 2 1 pedro 10 marion puce pace 2 nick j 2 gust 2 4 bert jacob 3 olive burn 2 A V IV shiner 6 elmer shiner S C J lood nil all 6 5 tony perry 5 to 90 wellington ibert 3 L I 1 cl 4 J 1 11 bolding lol ding 3 1 it 11 J RIC aich N Q I 4 J 1 illch rich 3 ma mat t newbert 3 1 H 1 s a 8 IV mar shall 3 IV r jonts it I 1 7 II 11 morgan i 1 inen P 11 6 ama sr i 4 SI 31 A ira dra pr 1 I 1 illiam I 1 iett itt 3 vl vt branch 3 lust 1 I arnum 40 roster 2 0 at 6 aman mills 1 20 31 chille 4 0 S lilt 6 5 hoy limnell 6 r eugene ug ne E branch I 1 ka lia dranch S 0 O W 6 if 0 vance 4 U I 1 johnsin johnsn 6 G rich I 1 ach 4 1 irit rutx worle 4 11 II 1 hansen 4 1 P bleet beet 6 IV A than X 8 total spring illen 01 M J miller 2 1 john T bulei C jentry 2 J 11 II glowie 1 1 lik k jerome 2 2 2 rot 1 lerton 6 L 1 I lotia lottis 2 if r rn ith 2 total 23 grand grani total 3 hii 00 those who hac haie noi not had an all tunit to dign a contat cont at ait t and desire to ilo do eo so ma see cart H 1 War marcusen cusen at the Commer lal bank during tho the week eck it Is sir mr lant lants Intent lor to bend mend I 1 to eadi beet a letter of In tlona tion on tho th 0 preparation of the see I 1 bed in tt the next few daia dass they are s fio or six planting machined into the tile county about the icah of april to punt plant the crop it Is the intention ot of mr lant to furnish printed instruction instein aloni i pertal pertaining nIng to the cultivation well of the beets duroni the season sason as ivell aa keeping a fh fit lit min m in in nt at t nd n |