Show Ol tItIS llsms it 10 1 I A 1 it G INTO IWO it ato ro tilt denver demer r ulo orande grande railroad aas original I 1 rejected ted as the great north and routh line of bic IN western estern hemisphere it was to lun iun from denver er to the of ganima anil and vai va i from denver dener to the city of mexico dut ft ahen hen thy the ralle rails were laid as far south as banta I 1 e the sou thern plan yas abandoned and the scenic I 1 ine trio wae was I 1 to the west ivest in lit i stead nero a terrI territory tor ft hero here tho the rail grid ironed it region morn moun tal rou thin switzerland and ahr c i as great in arci area toda them jhc thc reach to t e pacific ihl 1 I hia adleat change in the t aute us wa first contemplated nas the result of and anti box how th that tt pioneer were not infallible in their judging n As railroad rill road I 1 theme men conquered incredible phi pit kal obita ailep dc an nn I 1 thi story of the denver dener k itlo 1110 grande N 1 one of the mo nioca t ro roman mancen cea in railroad hintor chapters of law and anti chip chietera tera of are to be lie found in lit those daar da and in mick for in the tile early seventies i the had not settled into iam stride lets lers than two tuo aloro ciro rearm earn ag the load had to for its r right 1 to ubi u the royal gorge and thi this tight fight stirred the in it its da day of alt all hof 1 early D it U 0 men who to ik jk lart at that time in the work ork under the of if alvild ad venture there remain but few feu have haie not parted over oer the great 11 dl II vide ide avan the deiner dener and illo lite orande grando waa was first projected a shopper in den vr r paid fifty cents a ad aa a a d for ca balico lica on lin I 1 d awn wn in I 1 L three dollars a ard ard and nipper flipper in den vei then out tt tnt dollars sold gold a rt 11 ek 4 Jota lota toom vere eo so high that mer merchant chanto handling tan m often reserved served the right to to retain tin IN peelings which were old sold for the ves of the potatoes pota toen being worth about ten tits each the gestern AVea tern railroads rall roadA were little of iron thrusting i ut beroza the prairie pack bild wagon wheels vvera liere still supreme in the tile Hoc kloe the Nho elis 0 of f were jurt beginning sinning be to climb the alart bar bor artera of the continental divide the rend isae first christened the tile denv denier aitio crand grande hallway Ita lluy coin pany of glorado olora and new it wa was orates under the tile laws laas la As of th then territories in lit oc oe teller 1370 its it first officers and anti dl di rot tore 1 et e president general IT V I 1 ilum J palmer iaan er of colorado 1 ve I biot rt II 11 amborn lamborn I of philadelphia adelphia id secretary eire tary ami treasurer tr howard shuyler huyler Sr rol tItor samuel L alron an the other director directors were william 1 11 clellen of new neu york citi ill and wid general thomaa thorna J wood V 1 9 arm retired of dayton ohio |